*Deena Adel* @deena_adel

#Egypt <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Egypt&src=hash> recap: Pro-Morsi
protesters take to the streets, many of them armed, gunfire reported all
over Cairo, 12 reported dead out of Cairo.

Screenshot of the other two armed MB "protesters" over May 15th bridge in #
Cairo <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Cairo&src=hash>
pic.twitter.com/uTaPEPcHCs <http://t.co/uTaPEPcHCs>

pic.twitter.com/ovHbzOWp6G <http://t.co/ovHbzOWp6G>


Egypt: SCAF and Muslim Brotherhood – Two sides of
Written by Francesco MerliFriday, 16 August 2013


The Egyptian security forces have bloodily crushed and dismantled the
protest camps of Muslim Brotherhood (MB) supporters, set up in Al-Nahda
Square and Raba'a al-Adawiyya in Cairo as focal points to regroup and
mobilise their forces after the overthrow of Morsi. This marks yet another
dramatic change in the situation facing the Egyptian revolution.

As expected, this operation by the repressive forces of the Egyptian state
– which is essentially the same machine as under Mubarak – was carried out
with extreme brutality. The victims are several hundreds; 525 have been
killed (including 43 from the security forces) on August 14 and thousands
wounded, according to the Health Ministry, but the final count is likely to
rise. The interim government has declared a month-long state of emergency
with a daily curfew between 7pm and 6am in Cairo and 13 other governorates.

This development should come as no surprise, and is the result of tension
between the former allies - the army generals and the MB - that has reached
breaking point over the last month since the removal and arrest of Morsi on
July 3.

But what has happened in Egypt after the impressive show of strength and
confidence represented by the massive insurrectionary movement that wiped
away the MB's government? The masses, who in their millions had determined
the downfall first of Mubarak and then of Morsi, have temporarily withdrawn
from the main stage, leaving the ground open for reactionary forces to
regroup, reorganise and take the initiative. The fragile alliance of the
main two wings of the Egyptian bourgeoisie, represented by the MB and the
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), has ended in an open clash.
Both these forces are reactionary, but the brute force of the state
apparatus is still in the hands of the army generals.
MB and SCAF – two reactionary forces

The camps organised by the Muslim Brotherhood have been portrayed by the
mainstream international media as a “Muslim” version of the Tahrir square
movement: well organised, peaceful, democratic. This isn’t the first time
that reaction - as the case in point of the rise of fascism and Nazism
demonstrate - adopts some of the features of a revolutionary movement; but
it does so with reactionary aims – to crush the revolutionary forces.

This was precisely the aim of the new offensive launched by the leaders of
the MB: to defend the “legitimacy” of Morsi's government; to mobilise the
ranks of the MB and its social base of support (not by chance the biggest
of the camps was based in the Cairo district of Nasr City); to resist
against what was portrayed as a “coup”, waving the flag of “democracy”. But
at the same time the MB armed thugs, who have been carrying out murderous
attacks against revolutionary youth.

The extremely reactionary nature of the MB is proven by the spate of
attacks, which erupted (and is continuing) after the disbanding of the
camps, directed against the Coptic Christians. The campaign of murders and
the burning down of dozens of
was unleashed and carried out with the aim to derail the struggle along
more favourable grounds - that of a civil war on sectarian lines.
Incidentally, neither the army nor the police lifted a finger in order to
defend the Coptic minority. It is also in their interest that the conflict
takes place along sectarian lines.

On the other side, the SCAF and the security forces of the Egyptian state
share with the MB the common aim to crush the revolution. As long as Morsi
was able to contain the movement of the masses, the army generals were
happy to take a back seat, their power, wealth and impunity preserved. But
they were always uneasy at sharing power with these “allies”, and once the
MB could no longer contain the movement of the masses, which threatened to
overthrow the whole edifice of the Egyptian state, the generals seized the
opportunity to deal the MB a severe blow and gain a certain degree of
popular support.

The army generals prepared the ground for the forced dispersal of the MB
sit-ins by appealing for a mass demonstration on July 26. General El-Sisi
set his aims openly: "I urge the people to take to the streets this coming
Friday to prove their will and give me, the army and police a mandate to
confront possible violence and terrorism." With very few honourable
exceptions, that demonstration was supported by most of the left wing
parties and organisations, as well as the main trade union federations.

For weeks, decisive action was delayed while negotiations were taking
place. Imperialism wanted to avoid an open clash by pushing both sides to
some sort of a deal. After all, both sides have so far loyally followed the
diktats of US imperialism and pursued capitalist economic policies. Finally
the army generals announced that they would use decisive force to clear out
the sit-ins and even announced the day: at the end of the Eid Fitr holiday,
which celebrates the end of Ramadan.

*The brutal repression used by the security forces against the MB sit-ins
was of the same kind that hundreds of thousands of people, and especially
the revolutionary youth, have faced before, during and after the downfall
of Mubarak. This cannot be forgotten. We know that the same and even worse
treatment will be reserved for the revolutionaries whenever the opportunity
arises for the SCAF to regain firm control.*

The SCAF is still the main bastion of reaction in Egypt, also controlling
large sections of the economy. The army and security services are the
pillar upon which the capitalist system is based. Even since the overthrow
of Morsi, the army has been used already to repress workers' struggles, as
the episode of thearrest by the military police of two workers at the Suez
“incitement to strike” shows.

In the IMT resolution on the current situation drafted on July 11 we
pointed out:

“Periods of sharp class struggle will alternate with periods of tiredness,
apathy, lulls, and even reaction. But these will merely be the prelude to
new and even more explosive developments. This is shown clearly by the
Egyptian Revolution.

“In Egypt, after months of disappointment and tiredness, 17 million took to
the streets in an unprecedented popular uprising. With no party, no
organization or leadership, they succeeded in just a few days in
overthrowing the hated Morsi government.

“The western media tried to characterise this as a coup. But a coup is by
definition a movement of a small minority that conspires to seize power
behind the backs of the people. Here the revolutionary people were on the
streets and were the real motor force behind events. With 17 million people
on the streets determined to overthrow Morsi, the Army tops, which
represent the backbone of the Egyptian state, intervened to remove the
president, to prevent the overthrow of the whole regime.

“In every genuine revolution it is the elemental movement of the masses
that provides the motor force. However, unlike the anarchists, Marxists do
not worship spontaneity, which has its strong points but also its
weaknesses. We must understand the limitations of spontaneity.” (Egypt,
Brazil, Turkey: Tremors of World

Lack of revolutionary leadership

The key to understanding the present situation lies in fact that the
Egyptian revolution lacks a revolutionary leadership; such a leadership, in
the words of Trotsky, is “that tendency which is growing up together with
the revolution, which is able to foresee its own tomorrow and the day after
tomorrow, which is setting itself clear goals and knows how to achieve
them.” (Trotsky, On the Policy of the KAPD, Speech Delivered at the Session
of the ECCI, November 24, 1920)

Even if such a leadership existed in Egypt, it would be inevitable for the
revolutionary process to go through sudden changes in the situation, such
as those taking place now. Revolution does not develop in a straight line.
It is a struggle between living forces where revolutionary and
counter-revolutionary features temporarily prevail. The Spanish revolution
of 1931-37 included the bienio negro (the two black years) in which
reaction was at the helm, when thousands of workers were massacred and tens
of thousands arrested. The Russian revolution of 1917 included July, the
“month of the great slander”, in which the Bolsheviks were subject to
repression and Lenin had to go underground. The existence of a
revolutionary leadership would speed up the process, which under the
present circumstances cannot assume anything other than a protracted form.

What we are witnessing now is the price to be paid for the fact that the
Egyptian revolution has stopped short of smashing the bourgeois state
machinery: splitting the army along class lines; disbanding the police and
secret services; removing the traditional chain of command of the bourgeois
state and replacing it with a new state machine based on workers' councils
and a workers' militia.

“In Egypt the masses could have taken power at the end of June. In fact,
they had power in their hands, but they were not aware of it. This
situation bears some resemblance to February 1917 in Russia. Lenin pointed
out that the only reason the workers did not take power then had nothing to
do with objective conditions, but was due to the subjective factor: 'Why
don't they take power? Steklov says: for this reason and that. This is
nonsense. *The fact is that the proletariat is not organised and class
conscious enough. This must be admitted: material strength is in the hands
of the proletariat but the bourgeoisie turned out to be prepared and class
conscious*. This is a monstrous fact, and it should be frankly and openly
admitted and the people should be told that they did not take power because
they were unorganised and not conscious enough.' (Lenin, *Works*, vol. 36,
page 437, our emphasis)

“The Egyptian workers and youth are learning fast in the school of
Revolution. That is why the June uprising was far broader, deeper, faster
and more conscious than the First Revolution that occurred two and a half
years ago. But they still lack the necessary experience and revolutionary
theory that would enable the Revolution to achieve a rapid and relatively
painless victory.”

“The situation is one of deadlock in which neither side can claim total
victory. This is what enables the army to raise itself above society and
present itself as the supreme arbiter of the Nation, although in reality
the real power was in the streets. *The confidence expressed by some people
in the role of the army shows extreme naivety. Bonapartism represents a
serious danger to the Egyptian Revolution. This naivety will be burned out
of the consciousness of the masses by the harsh school of life*.

“The open counterrevolutionaries of the Muslim Brotherhood have been driven
from power but because of the limits of its purely spontaneous (i.e.
unorganised) nature, the Revolution has failed to take power. On the one
hand the Islamist reactionaries are organising a counterrevolutionary
rebellion that threatens to plunge the country into civil war. On the other
hand, the bourgeois elements, generals and imperialists are manoeuvring to
rob the masses of the victory that was won with their blood.

“The Revolution was strong enough to achieve the immediate objective: the
overthrow of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. But it was not strong enough
to prevent the fruits of its victory being stolen by the generals and the
bourgeoisie. It will have to pass through another hard school in order to
raise itself to the level that is necessary to change the course of
history.” (Egypt, Brazil, Turkey: Tremors of World

The massive insurrectionary movement on June 30 – the biggest in the
history of Egypt – showed the mass revulsion provoked by the reactionary
government of the MB, after only one year in office. It also showed clearly
the impossibility for the masses to bear the intolerable conditions imposed
by the austerity policies implemented by that government (and by the
present government for that matter) under the auspices of imperialism and
the IMF, alongside catastrophic economic crisis, inflation and a sudden
erosion of living standards for the vast majority. As we pointed out, this
movement was the direct cause of the overthrow of Morsi, putting pressure
on the army to step in and remove Morsi, in order to prevent an open
revolutionary situation from developing, which would have threatened not
only the government, but also the real basis of power and privileges of the
elite and the system upon which they are based: capitalism itself.

The reactionary nature of the Muslim Brotherhood was fully exposed by their
year in office. All illusions that the Brotherhood would be able to improve
material conditions for the majority of the poor and the workers have been

But, as we warned, the Muslim Brotherhood still retains some social basis
of support, although significantly weaker than in the past, particularly
among the petty bourgeoisie, the most backward and ignorant layers of the
peasantry and the lumpenproletariat. The sheer brutality of state
repression is, in fact, strengthening the grip of the leadership of the MB
over these layers, providing them with a safe a way to close ranks, retie
the knot, revive the links with these layers, and mobilise their social
base. In a different situation the MB leaders showed – just one month ago –
that they were clearly unable to cope with the pressure of the
revolutionary mass movement.

Let us be clear: it would have been extremely unlikely for the MB not to
have resisted violently against any attempt to disband their reactionary
camps. They had, and still have, guns and they are using them regardless of
resisting repression; as an offensive weapon against the revolutionary
forces, especially the youth. *But it is one thing for the revolutionary
people to disband a counter-revolutionary attempt – even crushing it
violently – by taking a direct initiative through mass action. It is
another thing that this task is carried out by the SCAF through the
bourgeois state – which is the other side of the counter-revolution. In the
second case, it only serves to strengthen the power of the army generals
and the security forces, a power which will then be used against the
workers and youth, whilst also helping the MB and presenting them as
victims and martyrs*.
What about El Baradei, the liberal bourgeoisie, democracy, etc.?

“It has become apparent that the sides striving for power have little
concern for the lives of Egyptians and will not hesitate to use the corpses
of the Egyptian people as a ladder to reach their goals. The Muslim
Brotherhood leaders sacrificed the lives of their followers for the sake of
power, and the security forces did not hesitate to prey on those lives with
all their violence and brutality.” (Official Response of the 6 April Youth
Movement to Wednesday's events)

These events are showing the true colours of the so called “liberal
bourgeoisie”. The wannabe leader of this section of the ruling class and
the darling of the international media and US imperialism, El Baradei, has
resigned his ministerial post, after having joined a reactionary government
in which he was vice-president, alongside General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as
deputy prime minister. This government, furthermore, had been appointed
under the authority of the SCAF. General El-Sisi had announced the
crackdown on the MB well in advance and everyone knew it was going to take
place. Now El Baradei seems surprised at the loss of life.

What El Baradei personifies is the impotency of the petty bourgeois
liberals in a situation where the margins for any negotiated settlement
simply do not exist. Under these circumstances the social base that El
Baradei represents either bends towards supporting the military or the MB.

It is a scandal that the leaders of the mainstream forces of the left on a
world scale are unable to present a class analysis of these events and are
wavering between a mood of relief for the crackdown against the
obscurantist forces of the MB (of course tainted by the butchery displayed
by the security forces) and empty cries for “democracy”, appeals to
conciliation, national unity and so on.

These enlightened minds are just buckling to the ideological pressure of
their respective ruling classes, who are scared by the prospect of similar
revolutionary movements to take place everywhere in the future. The “left”
leaders seem to be willing to support the right of the mass of the
population of any nation to protest against dictators or unpopular
“democratically elected” governments, but seem to deny the right of these
same people to overthrow a “democratically elected” government by
revolutionary means. Such a possibility is dreaded and presented as
tantamount to a coup d'etat.

Let us not forget that the “democratic” MB and Morsi were precisely those
who appointed El-Sisi as Minister of Defence and Commander in Chief of the
Armed forces in their own government. That government was based on a
counter-revolutionary agreement between the MB and the SCAF, intended to
leave the Army generals and Ministry of Interior untouched, and had
presided over brutal repression and killings.

The overthrow of Morsi has opened a period of struggle between revolution
and counter-revolution in which the decisive factor will be the ability of
the masses to carry through the revolution to the end.

In this struggle, any confidence in either of the wings of the bourgeoisie
- both the army generals or Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood - would be
fatal for the revolution. They represent two sides of the same reactionary,
counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie. Nor can the interests of the Egyptian
masses depend on the so-called “liberal bourgeoisie”, which is totally
impotent. All these forces in the final analysis will find a common ground
in the need to suppress the revolutionary struggle of the Egyptian workers
and youth.

Only by standing up independently as a revolutionary force, and appealing
to the ranks of the army to support the struggle of their class brothers
against the ruling elite, will the workers and youth of Egypt be able to
complete the task of the revolution and take their own destinies into their
own hands

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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