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> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> **
> *Mainstream media are bombarding the public with a story about how
> poison gas has been released in Syria with a large number of casualties,
> and are attributing it to rebel sources who say the Syrian government is
> responsible.
> *
> *International observers ask why the Syrian government would do such a
> thing when it has the upper hand and appears to be winning against the
> rebels.
> *
> */Russia Today/ claims "Reports by 'biased regional media' about alleged
> chemical weapons use near Damascus might be 'a provocation planned in
> advance,' says Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich
> <http://rt.com/news/russia-syria-chemical-attack-801/>.
> *
> *"It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have
> immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack,
> laying all the responsibility on the government," Lukashevich said in a
> statement on Wednesday.
> The Russian Foreign Ministry, citing its sources, said that a homemade
> rocket carrying unidentified chemical substances had been launched from
> an area controlled by the opposition.
> "A homemade rocket with a poisonous substance that has not been
> identified yet -- one similar to the rocket used by terrorists on March
> 19 in Khan al-Assal - was fired early on August 21 [at Damascus suburbs]
> from a position occupied by the insurgents," Lukashevich said.
> *
> *One recalls when such reports last filled the airwaves by corporate
> media, a UN official stated that the chemical weapons had been used by
> rebel forces-- not the government.*
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> **
> *Reports are everywhere that General Mubarak will be released from
> prison
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/21/hosni-mubarak-release_n_3789676.html>.
> Mubarak is close to the generals currently running the Egyptian
> government, and a friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton
> <http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/01/secretary-clinton-in-2009-i-really-consider-president-and-mrs-mubarak-to-be-friends-of-my-family/>.
> *
> *Jim Lobe has a magnificent piece
> <http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/08/washingtons-worries-grow-over-saudi-ties/>
> this morning taking us inside the support for the coup government in
> Egypt by regional dictatorships supported by the USA, including Saudi
> Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.
> *
> *This piece hints that the influence of the Empire is waning, which may
> be why we see so many acts of desperation coming from our government,
> invading so many countries and prosecuting so many whistleblowers.*
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> **
> *Glenn Greenwald says the US and UK are "sending a message
> <http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/21/sending-message-miranda-gchq-nsa>,"
> by attacking those who point out criminal abuses of the law concerning
> the surveillance of citizens.  The intent is clearly to intimidate those
> who tell the truth about government lawbreaking.
> *
> *Don't look to Congress for help, they have no idea what's going on.
> Republican Senator Corker is asking that Members of Congress be informed
> <http://thehill.com/blogs/defcon-hill/policy-and-strategy/318159-corker-calls-for-new-round-of-briefings-on-nsa-surveillance->
> so that they don't have to learn what's happening from newspaper
> headlines.*
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **Had Bradley Manning been sentenced to one more day in prison, we would
> have been upset, at /LUV News/.  He has been in prison for years and
> tortured, and that is punishment enough.  If he completes the sentence
> he got of 35 years he will be 60 years old.  All of this is because we
> have a criminal government led by fascists who hide from the light, and
> Manning shined a light on them, the reason they went after him and made
> him a political prisoner.
> **
> **Manning's lawyers are going to ask President Obama for a pardon
> <http://rt.com/usa/bradley-manning-obama-pardon-805/>.  While agreeing
> that the strategy should be attempted, it is difficult to believe Obama
> will go against everything he's represented in prosecuting a record
> number of whistleblowers while expanding the surveillance state.
> **
> **"Manning's treatment has been intended to send a signal to people of
> conscience in the U.S. government who might seek to bring wrongdoing to
> light," Julian Assange said in a statement.  "The Obama administration
> is demonstrating that there is no place in its system for people of
> conscience and principle." Headline from HuffPost
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/22/daniel-ellsberg-bradley-manning_n_3793199.html>
> this morning:  "Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers Whistleblower, Sees
> Bradley Manning's Conviction As The Beginning Of Police State."
> **
> **Had we a system of justice based on justice Presidents Bush and Obama
> would be doing life sentences and both of them know it, which is why
> they go berserk when anyone points out their crimes.  I think of Obama
> scanning over his Tuesday kill list, believing himself to be some kind
> of god, above any law.   Thankfully they have the cowardly sycophants of
> the mainstream media, posing as "journalists," to cover for them
> obediently in return for a paycheck and a pat on the head.
> **
> **I am an old man, and don't know how much longer I will be around, but
> I am concerned about Manning being lost in the darkness as the National
> Security State intends.  I would propose a "Political Prisoner Day"
> replace Independence Day, and all who love freedom celebrate that rather
> than glorify a rotting empire about which the founding fathers would
> have been repulsed.  The day would honor Manning, and all other
> political prisoners in our world's largest prison system, and keep their
> memory alive, while educating the public ****around their mainstream
> media ****about what is happening --Jack Balkwill**
> *CCR Condemns Manning Sentence, Whistleblower Should Have Never Been
> Prosecuted*
> <http://ccrjustice.org/newsroom/press-releases/ccr-condemns-manning-sentence%2C-whistleblower-should-have-never-been-prosecuted>
> *by the Center for Constitutional Rights*
> */The following is a press release issued by the Center for
> Constitutional Rights in response to today's sentencing of Bradley
> Manning./*
> *We are outraged that a whistleblower and a patriot has been sentenced
> on a conviction under the Espionage Act. The government has stretched
> this archaic and discredited law to send an unmistakable warning to
> potential whistleblowers and journalists willing to publish their
> information. We can only hope that Manning's courage will continue to
> inspire others who witness state crimes to speak up.*
> *This show trial was a frontal assault on the First Amendment, from the
> way the prosecution twisted Manning's actions to blur the distinction
> between whistleblowing and spying to the government's tireless efforts
> to obstruct media coverage of the proceedings. It is a travesty of
> justice that Manning, who helped bring to light the criminality of U.S.
> forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, is being punished while the alleged
> perpetrators of the crimes he exposed are not even investigated.  Every
> aspect of this case sets a dangerous precedent for future prosecutions
> of whistleblowers -- who play an essential role in democratic government
> by telling us the truth about government wrongdoing -- and we fear for
> the future of our country in the wake of this case.*
> *We must channel our outrage and continue building political pressure
> for Manning's freedom. President Obama should pardon Bradley Manning,
> and if he refuses, a presidential pardon must be an election issue in
> 2016.
> *
> <http://ccrjustice.org/newsroom/press-releases/ccr-condemns-manning-sentence%2C-whistleblower-should-have-never-been-prosecuted>
> *
> **
> /*The Center for Constitutional Rights non-profit legal advocacy
> organization based in New York City dedicated to advancing and
> protecting the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the
> Universal Declaration of Human Rights. *
> /
> **
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> http://luvnews.info/Join.htm*
> **
> *You may also join our talk group
> athttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyundergroundtalk/
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> to participate
> *
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> https://www.facebook.com/groups/461619557192964/
> *
> email: libert...@hotmail.com*
> **
> *Tell your friends about /LUV News/ because some people just don't get it*
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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