Claims Of Opposition DIY Weapons Used In This Week's Alleged Chemical


“You can jail a Revolutionary but you can’t jail The Revolution”, the
Syrian people will not kneel!
Posted on August 24,


These words were written on a placard by a young Syrian revolutionary in
the besieged city of Homs and translates very well the determination of the
Syrian people. More than two years after the beginning of the revolution,
the Syrian people have actually not ceased to struggle for freedom and
dignity despite the continuous and terrible repression of the regime. The
Syrian revolution is still on going despite the massacres against the
civilians and destructions.

*The regime continues its war against the people*

The Syrian dictatorship has continued its criminal policy and large-scale
massacres against the Syrian people. The last example of this barbarism was
on August 21, 2013 when the Syrian regime attacked with chemical weapons
and toxic gas the region of Eastern Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, killing
more than a thousand people including a large number of women and children.
Medecins Sans Frontieres issued a statement saying that hospitals it
supports in Syria treated about 3,600 patients with “neurotoxic symptoms”,
of whom 355 have died. It said the patients had arrived in three hospitals
in the Damascus governorate on 21 August – when opposition activists say
chemical attacks were launched against rebels. This statement provided more
evidence of chemical weapons use.

This new massacre, preceded by many others, occurred in the framework of a
general offensive against one of the bastions of the revolution. At the
beginning of the month of August, a previous massacre was actually
committed by Assad’s forces, killing 100 people and wounding more than
1000, in the same region.

Many popular demonstrations took place after the massacre across the
country to condemn this new crime and denounce the inaction of the
international community and it so called red lines, always violated by the
regime. Strikes were called across the country the day after the massacre.
The Friday 23 August, usual day of mass of popular demonstration in Syria,
was called ‘*The Terrorist Bashar kills Civilians with Chemical Weapons as
the World watches’*. Sarcastic messages and placards were numerous
throughout the demonstrations, mocking the inaction of the international
community (ÑÓÇÆá-ÊäÓíÞíÇÊ-ÇááÌÇä-Çáì-ÇáÚÇáã-coordination-committees-m/).
Revolutionaries wrote on a wall for example in the street of besieged Homs “
*The next red line: the use of nuclear power*“.

The statement of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria (
condemning the massacre resumed very well the feeling of many among the
popular movement, notably saying that “*Our revolution has no sincere ally,
except the popular revolutions of the region and of the world and of all
the militants struggling against regimes of ignorance and servitude and

The regime committed this new massacre in the framework of the events of
the region and especially the counter-revolution reaction in Egypt led by
the army and supported by Saudi Arabia, the center of the

This new massacre strengthens the determination of the Syrian popular
movement firstly to continue the revolution for freedom and dignity and
secondly that the worst solution would be that the structure of the system
is maintained in a “political solution” to implemented a “peaceful
transition” as proposed repeatedly by the so called allies of Syrian
revolution, the United States and the European Union and accepted without
any surprise by the allies of the regime (Russia and Iran). The victory of
the revolution in Syria and its spread to the region would actually be a
threat to all the regimes, especially the Gulf monarchies and Iran, and
therefore both the USA and Russia.

This massacre has also to be understood following the declarations of the
dictator Bachar al Assad few weeks before, in which he declared that “*No
solution can be reached with terror except by striking it with an iron fist*”.
In the other words, the regime will continue its attempts to crush military
and through deadly destructions and repression the Syrian popular
revolution. Assad added that the army, untrained for guerrilla warfare, “*has
achieved the impossible*.”  Yes indeed it has been successful in destroying
entire neighborhoods, villages and even city, while pushing half of the
population to become refugees inside or outside the country and killing
more than 100 000 persons. Mid of August, this declaration was already
translated in practice by bombing the neighborhood of Bustan al-Qqassr in
Aleppo, killing at least 40 people and dozens wounded with mass destruction
for the buildings.

In the same time Homs continues to suffer from the siege imposed by the
regime forces, which have imposed even more restrictions on movement and
transportation of the people in the embattled city of Homs. Activists
reported many abuses against women by ‘Al-Mazra’a’ checkpoint, one of the
most humiliating blockades in Homs, which considered as the main gate to
inter Al-Waer neighbourhood (
In additon, the besieged neighborhood of the city is suffering from lack of
food and medicine.* *because the regime as blocked access to the old city
of Homs.

The regime has issued a legislative decree licensing private companies for
protection and guarding services, in a clear attempt to “legitimize” the
work of its militias like the ‘Popular National Defense Army’. The decree
stipulates that the Interior Ministry will be in charge of licensing these
companies, giving them permission to use firearms, and approving candidates
for guard work, with these companies being responsible for training their
employees and equipping them (
The decree also authorized the ‘new militias’ to arrest any individual that
attempts to trespass or attack locations, individuals, items or funds under
their protection, and they must report to the police as soon as they make
an arrest.

Despite these declarations, the Syrian people continue to resist, to
struggle, to demonstrate and to sing that they will not kneel. This
resistance has also comprised the strike of the Pharmaceutical industry
workers’ in Damascus end of July, more exactly the 29th in protest against
the high cost of living and lack of security, many looting occurred. The
cost of basic goods has soared by more than 300%. A family of five now has
to make three times what it used to before the crisis, needing a monthly
fixed salary between SYP 95,000 ($905) and SYP 126,000 ($1,200) to sustain
its basic needs. 80% of Syrians do not make more than SYP 30,000 ($286). In
the same context, the UN World Food Program (WFP) published a recent
report, saying that 4 million Syrians are unable to secure their
nutritional needs. Poverty rates have exceeded all expectations, reaching
80% of the population and unemployment rates, on the other hand, are over
55% of the workforce, according to official records.

For the the defender of Assad regime based on its so called anti
imperialism,  read this quote of Pierre Frank, French Trotskyist : “Let us
note that the greatest theoreticians of Marxism did not at all define the
political nature of a bourgeois regime by the positions which the latter
held in the field of foreign policy but solely and simply by the position
it occupied in relation to the classes composing the nation”…

*Islamist reactionary forces, a danger for the revolution*

Islamists reactionary groups, despite participating in some battles against
the regime on the military level,  have continued to act against
revolutionary activists and some FSA battalions, the last example was in
the city of Raqqa mid August in which the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
(ISIS) took over the bases of the Kata’ib Ahfad al-Rasool, which came after
a violent attack launched by the ISIS on the other rebel faction. This
offensive began with the ISIS detonating a car bomb by the Ahfad base in
the Mahattat al-Qitar neighbourhood, east Raqqah city, the ISIS then
launched a large-scale and violent attack on the Ahfad bases and took full
control. Tens of the Ahfad al-Rasool rebels were killed, injured or taken
captive. 1 rebel leader from Ahfad al-Rasool was killed during the clashes.
To protest against ISIS acts, civilians took to the streets heading towards
the train station after the ISIS blew up a car bomb targeting the
headquarters of Ahfad Al-Rasoul brigade of FSA, leaving dead and wounded.
Demonstrators demanded to allow them to rescue the wounded and to put an
end to the fighting between ISIS fighters and Ahfad Al-Rasoul brigade. The
following videos show panic among civilians in the vicinity of clashes and Another
footage showing demonstrators heading towards the train station: Protesters called in may demonstrations to
jihadists “to leave” their area and chanted “Syria is free! The (Islamic)
State (of Iraq and the Levant) must get out!”.

The ISIL also expelled FSA forces from several regions the FSA liberated
and declared their will to establish Islamic emirates, while refusing to
fight on the front lines in Aleppo, Homs and Khan al Asal.

Tensions between FSA groups and Islamist forces of Jabhat al Nusra and ISIL
have expanded continuously in some regions.

Islamists have also arrested and kidnapped hundreds of activists, including
Father Paolo, and civilians these past few weeks and even months. These
acts, must be condemned as a threat to the Syrian popular revolution, just
as the indiscriminate attacks on the Kurdish people and other religious
minorities of Syria by these same groups (see the position of the
Revolutionary Left Current in Syria :ÈíÇä-Íæá-ÇáãÓÃáÉ-ÇáßÑÏíÉ-æ-ãÇ-íÌÑí-Ýí-Çá/<>
. In the city of Tell al Abiad, the actions of extremists islamists groups
have caused the forced departure of Kurdish civilians, and specifically the
ones affiliated with the Democratic Union Party (known as the PYD) (, which we do not support and has
also been guilty of authoritarian practices against Kurdish activists (see
 and  In
the midst of the escalation in fighting between Islamist reactionary forces
and Kurds on more than one front, the Kurdish National Council in Syria
pronounced several Kurdish cities disaster areas. This coincided with
unprecedented Kurdish immigration into Iraqi Kurdistan, where it is
estimated that around 30,000 refugees arrived only last week.

In the region of Hassaka, the growing presence of radical jihadist groups,
including al-Qaeda, has also seen Christians targeted.

“*It began as kidnapping for money, but then they started telling me I
should worship Allah,”*a male Christian resident of Hasakah who was
kidnapped by jihadists said (

Jabhat al Nusra and ISIS have also continued some sectarian assassination.
The ISIS summarily executed 2 Muslim Shi’i young men (aged below 18) from
the al-Sharbo family of the Nubbul town after they kidnapped the young men
days earlier (
and 3 Alawite bus drivers in another occasion (

We must be clear: all groups that encourage sectarianism, kidnapping,
torture and murder as a practice of power must be considered enemies of the
revolution to fight.

The actions of the islamists groups of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) and Jabhat al Nusra, especially active in the Northern region of
Syria, have nevertheless not come without resistance from the local
population, both Arab and Kurds.

In the city of Raqqa, which has seen continuous resistance and steadfast
against islamists groups since the liberation of the town from regime
troops in March 2013, few demonstrations in solidarity with the activists
kidnapped and demanding their freedom, while condemning the actions of the

- Sit in Raqqa August 5 2013

Translation of the pancard : Firas Hajj Saleh and Father Di Paolo

Who kidnapped our youth is a traitor to the regime and a killer of the

- Sit in Raqqa August 2013

Solidarity with the acitivists kidnapped by EIID and demanding their

In the Friday demonstartion of August 2 2013, the Local Coordination
Comittee in its weekly statement wrote notably that «* in an unified
messages from the revolution to everyone and the world, we confirme that
the kidnapping of activists and essential actors in the revolution not only
serves the interest of tyranny, and but these actions harm the freedom and
dignity of the revolution *» (ÑÓÇÆá-ÊäÓíÞíÇÊ-ÇááÌÇä-Åáì-ÇáÚÇáã/

In the neighbourhood of Bustan Qasr, in Aleppo, the local population
continues to denounce the authoritarian rule and actions of the Sharia
Council as we can see in this video of August 2 2013 :

On August 23, the protesters of Bustan Qasr while demonstrating against the
massacre committed by the regime against people of Eastern Ghouta, were
also demanding the release of the famous activist Abu Maryam, once more
imprisoned by the Aleppo Sharia Council.

These groups have shown that they constitute a threat to the revolution and
that they actually are part of the counter-revolution by their reactionary
ideology and sectarianism, but the reality of their material strength
(political, military and economic) cannot be compared to the Syrian regime,
the greatest and most dangerous enemy of the democratic and social
revolution. The latest massacre committed by this latter proves it once
more. The Syrian popular movement does not want to overthrow a dictatorship
to see it replace by a new one.

The Syrian National Coalition has denounced some practices of the islamists
extremists groups. The SNC hold nevertheless some responsibility in the
spread of these groups or at least by their cover, by defending them groups
in the beginning despite their reactionary and sectarian ideology, instead
of standing firmly on the principles of the Syrian revolution ( Freedom,
Dignity and no to sectarianism) and doing everything possible to develop
the democratic components of the FSA and strengthening them by providing
them with material and financial support. These groups just as the Syrian
regime want to divide the Syrian people into sectarian and ethnic entities,
while the Syrian revolution want to break the sectarian and ethnic division
that the regime has tried to enforce on the people.

*Against division between Arabs and Kurds*

In the same time, attempts to divide Kurds and Arabs whether by the actions
of the regime or the islamists groups have been resisted and combatted
through popular initiatives from activists and people of the region.
Initiatives have indeed increasingly appeared to demonstrate the fraternity
of Kurds and Arabs in this region and to re-affirm that the Syrian popular
revolution is for all and against racism and sectarianism.

In the neighborhood of Achrafieh, inhabited mostly by Kurds, in the city of
Aleppo, a demonstration was organized and chanted slogans in favor of the
fraternity between Arabs and Kurds, while also condemnations actions
committed by extremists islamists groups against Kurdish population.

In the city of Tell al Abiad, which was submitted to intense fights between
PYD and ISIL and as well as a quasi siege imposed by this latter on the
Kurdish areas of this town, activists have tried to launch an initiative to
cease the military conflict between the two groups, stop the force
departure of the civilians, establish a popular committee to rule and
manage the city on a daily basis, promote initiatives and actions gathering
Arabs and Kurds, promote peaceful ways to debate and reach consensus, and
preserve the historic good relations between the various local populations,
especially Arabs and Kurds (

In the city of Amouda, people gathered with Kurdish and Syrian flags with a
placard saying « I love you Homs » to show their solidarity with this
latter besieged by the regime’s arms. (

The Kurdish Student Union’s branch in Qamichlo did a small internet
campaign calling for freedom, peace and brotherhood, tolerance and equality
for Syria’s future (

Following the massacre committed in Eastern Ghouta by the regime, many
Kurds in Syria demonstrated their solidarity with them, and condemned the
crime. On August 23, a mass protest by Kurds occurred in Erbil in Iraqi
Kurdistan demonstrating against Bashar al-Assad chemical crime in Eastern
Ghouta 23 august 2013


There is no coming back to the era of Assad regime before the beginning of
the revolution and no alternative to the continuation of the revolution.
One of the main slogans in Syria chanted by the protesters is “Rather death
than humiliation”. In the same time, we have to be clear that islamists
reactionary groups are a threat to the revolution and for the edification
of a democratic, social and non sectarian society in Syria. If they attack
revolutionaries they must be condemned and challenged through different

This is the line of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria, which from the
very beginning, despite its modest capacities, has not once faltered in its
engagement with the revolution, calling for democracy and socialism. The
party has struggled alongside the people and all democratic forces for the
victory of this great popular revolution, just as it struggle for the
formation of a socialist workers’ party. We do not divide groups or
individuals between secular and religious, but between those who want to
continue the revolution and achieve its objectives and those who oppose it.

The building of the revolutionary party, alongside and inside the large
popular movement, firm on the principles of the revolution, (democracy,
social justice and no to sectarianism) is not a utopian dream or hope, it
already exists, but it is mostly a political necessity to allow the
continuation of the revolution and the achievement of its objectives.

The Syrian people will not kneel!

Glory to the martyrs, healing for the wounded and victory of the popular

All the power and wealth to the people!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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