Japan Times: Prime Minister telling 
“outright lie”? — Experts: Nuclear material “has kept gushing into 
Pacific far beyond man-made bay” — Fukushima fisherman: “He must be 
kidding… he doesn’t know what’s going”
Japan Times, Sept. 10, 2013: One question that emerged among the public 
after Tokyo won the right to host the 2020 Olympics was whether Prime 
Minister Shinzo Abe made an incorrect statement, or told an outright lie [...] 
Abe stressed that the “effects from the contaminated water have 
been perfectly blocked within the (artificial) bay” of the wrecked 
nuclear complex, and said “the situation is under control.” Experts have long 
pointed out that irradiated water from the plant has kept gushing 
into the Pacific far beyond the man-made bay [...] Tokyo Electric Power 
Co. admitted that a lot of water — and probably radioactive materials — 
was penetrating the fence and pouring into the wider ocean. The 
simulation assumed that 50 percent of the water inside the fence becomes mixed 
with seawater daily [...]
Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 10, 2013: [...] Abe’s remarks are credited with helping 
concerns about radioactive water at the plant and securing the Games for Tokyo. 
Denis Oswald, an IOC member from Switzerland, said Abe’s speech 
on Fukushima was convincing. However, sources at [Tepco] acknowledged 
that it has not been able to keep radioactive materials from flowing 
into the ocean [...] 68 becquerels of tritium were detected per liter of 
seawater sampled at the entrance of the harbor on Aug. 19, suggesting 
that radioactive materials may have been spreading outside the harbor. 
[...] amounts exceeding safety standards for consumption were detected 
from slime flounder and other samples taken in July. [...] South Korea’s Munhwa 
Ilbo newspaper took issue with Abe’s remark that there is no 
problem about the radioactive water issue, citing the view of a Japanese expert 
that the vow is groundless.
Toshimitsu Konno, a fisherman in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture: He is angry at 
Abe’s remarks at the IOC general meeting. “He must be 
kidding. We have been tormented by radioactive water precisely because 
the nuclear plant has not been brought under control. [...] He can say, 
‘completely blocked,’ because he does not know what is going on at the 
site. He said it is safe when he was abroad, but he will not tell us the same 
See also: Lies? Top Japan officials and Tepco all now claim Fukushima 
contamination is 
staying inside port and not reaching Pacific -- Yet Tokyo scientist 
already revealed 44% of water in port flows out into ocean every day 


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