AFP, Sept. 16, 2013: Typhoon stokes fears for Japan’s crippled Fukushima 
nuclear plant [...] officials have issued a “special warning” of heavy rain, 
fears the storm could go on to hit the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. [...] 
The agency issued the highest alert for “possibly unprecedented 
heavy rain” in Kyoto and its adjacent prefectures, warning residents in 
danger zones to evacuate to shelters. [...] The typhoon is expected to 
cross the northeast, including the Fukushima area, this afternoon 
possibly bringing heavy rain to areas near the crippled nuclear power 
plant. [...] With torrential rains expected on Monday more contaminated 
water was feared to seep into the groundwater and workers pumped water 
from around highly radioactive tanks at the plant.

>>> More at


"Given these impending problems, how can Japanese Prime Minister Abe 
possibly say that Tokyo will be safe for the Olympics? He actually said 
that "there is absolutely no problem" and "the situation is under control." 
Does he not understand that parts of Tokyo are already radioactively 
contaminated and that his government is dumping ashes from the 
incineration of thousands of tons of radioactive debris from the tsunami and 
earthquake into Tokyo Bay? Is this what the athletes will be 
swimming in?"

>>> More at

Endless Fukushima catastrophe: Many generations’ health at stake
Dr Helen Caldicott is one of the most articulate and passionate 
advocates  of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental 
Published time: September 13, 2013 09:33  
This handout picture taken by Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority on August 
23, 2013 shows nuclear watchdog members including Nuclear Regulation 
Authority members in radiation protection suits inspecting contaminated 
water tanks at the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) Fukushima Dai-ichi 
nuclear power plant in the town of Okuma, Fukushima prefecture. (AFP 

Bio-accumulation of radioactive 
elements around Fukushima will devastate many future Japanese 
generations, while the Pacific Ocean is also being contaminated by 
leaking radioactive water. Yet there is still no good solution from the 
Japanese government.
As I watched the tsunami power into the reactor complex at Fukushima on March 
11, 2011, I realized the world would never be the same again. No nuclear 
reactor can withstand being drowned in a massive wave of water without 
catastrophic consequences. 
There were three nuclear reactors undergoing fission at the time while one, 
unit four, had just been emptied of its radioactive core, which was now 
situated in an unprotected cooling pool on the roof of the building, 100 feet 
(30 meters) above the ground. As the power supply to the reactors was disrupted 
during the earthquake, and the auxiliary diesel generators in the basements of 
the reactors failed because they were flooded, the pumps which supplied up to 1 
million gallons of cooling water to each reactor failed. 
Within hours the intensely hot radioactive cores in units one, two and three 
started to melt. As they melted, the zirconium metal cladding on the uranium 
fuel rods reacted with water to produce hydrogen which exploded with 
overwhelming intensity in the buildings of units one, two, three and four 
releasing huge amounts of radioactive elements into the air. 
On March 15 alone, it is estimated that 100 quadrillion Becquerels of cesium, 
400 quadrillion of iodine plus 400 quadrillion of inert noble gases (xenon, 
krypton and argon) escaped. Over a period of time two-and-a-half to three times 
more noble gases were released into the air than at Chernobyl. 
Noble gases are very high energy gamma emitters similar to x-rays, which 
penetrate human bodies externally and, when inhaled, are absorbed from the 
lungs and stored in fatty tissue exposing nearby organs, including the gonads, 
to gamma radiation. Cesium and iodine 131 are also gamma and beta emitters 
which enter the body by inhalation and ingestion. But over 100 other 
radioactive elements were also released during the weeks and months of the 
accident and thousands of people were exposed to clouds of radiation. The 
damaged reactors continue to emit radioactive airborne releases to this day. 

This handout picture taken by Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) on August 22, 
2013 shows a TEPCO worker checking radiation levelS around a 
contaminated water tank at TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power 
plant at Okuma town in Fukushima prefecture. (AFP/TEPCO)
Luckily the wind was blowing east across the Pacific in the first several days, 
taking 80 percent of the fallout with it - much of which was deposited in the 
Pacific Ocean. But around March 15 the wind changed, blowing to the northwest 
and large areas of Japan, including parts of Tokyo became severely 
contaminated. Approximately 2 million people are still living in highly 
contaminated areas in the Fukushima Prefecture and elsewhere, areas so 
radioactive that similarly-populated areas were quickly evacuated by the 
Soviets after the Chernobyl accident. 
At the time of the Fukushima accident an unprecedented quantity of highly 
radioactive water was also released into the Pacific Ocean. But it hasn’t 
stopped. TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) now admits that 300 tons of this 
water has been leaking into the Pacific every day since the accident 30 months 
ago and so far 270,000 tons of water has been released.  

It is becoming apparent that the three molten cores, each weighing 120 to 130 
tons have not only melted their way through 6 inches of steel in the reactor 
vessels, but they now either sit on concrete floors of the severely cracked 
containment buildings or they have melted their way into the earth itself – 
this, in nuclear parlance, is called ‘A Melt Through to China Syndrome’. 
Because the reactor complex was built upon an ancient river bed located at the 
base of a mountain range, huge quantities of water flowing down from the 
mountains (1,000 tons daily) are circulating around these highly radioactive 
cores absorbing large concentrations of radioactive elements. 
TEPCO constructed a type of concrete dam near the sea front to prevent this 
radioactive water from entering the sea. But the continuous flow of water built 
up behind the dam and overflowed into the Pacific Ocean. Each reactor core 
contains as much radiation as that released by 1,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs and 
contains more than 200 different radioactive elements, which variously last 
seconds to millions of years. 
Medical implications 
Water in the bay beside Fukushima is highly contaminated with tritium, which is 
constantly increasing in concentration and now measures 4,700 Becquerels per 
liter - the highest level ever recorded in seawater. Furthermore a total of 20 
to 40 trillion Becquerels of tritium have now been discharged into the Pacific 
Ocean –a Becquerel is one disintegration of radiation per second. Tritium is 
radioactive hydrogen, H3. It combines with oxygen to form tritiated water HTO, 
which is very dangerous. It emits an electron, or beta particle which, if 
lodged in the body, is very energetic. 
Tritium combines within the DNA molecule inducing mutations. In numerous animal 
experiments tritium causes birth defects, cancers of various organs including 
brain and ovaries, and it induces testicular atrophy and mental retardation at 
surprisingly low doses. Tritium is organically taken up in food and is 
concentrated in fish, vegetables, and other food groups, and it remains 
radioactive for over 120 years. Ingestion of contaminated food causes 10 
percent to combine in the human body where it can remain for many years 
continuously irradiating cells. 
One of the main elements is cesium, a potassium mimicker, which concentrates in 
the heart, endocrine organs and muscles where it can induce cardiac 
irregularities, heart attacks, diabetes, hypothyroidism or thyroid cancer and a 
very malignant muscle cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. Cesium remains 
radioactive for 300 years and concentrates in the food chain. 

Covers are installed for a spent fuel removal operation at Japan's Fukushima 
Dai-ichi nuclear plant's unit 4 reactor building (R), in Okuma town in 
Fukushima prefecture on June 12, 2013. (AFP Photo)
Another very dangerous element is strontium 90, which also is poisonous for 300 
years. Analogous to calcium, it concentrates in grass and milk, then relocates 
into bones, teeth and breast milk where it can cause bone cancer, leukemia or 
breast cancer. 
Amongst the many other radioactive elements which are almost certainly escaping 
into the sea is plutonium which lasts for 240,000 years and is one of the most 
potent carcinogens known, such that a millionth of a gram can cause cancer. 
Each reactor core contains 500lbs of plutonium, but Reactor 3 contains even 
more, because it also contained plutonium/uranium fuel rods which were placed 
inside the core as an experiment. 
As plutonium resembles iron in the body, it induces cancers in the lung if 
inhaled, and also cancers in the liver, bone, testicle and ovary. As an iron 
analogue, it readily crosses the placenta causing severe birth deformities 
similar to those produced by the drug thalidomide. All radioactive elements 
which irradiate the reproductive organs will induce genetic mutations in the 
sperm and eggs, thereby increasing the incidence of genetic diseases over 
future generations such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, 
hemochromatosis and 6000 others. 
These are only several of over 100 deadly radioactive poisons polluting the 
Pacific Ocean and the air, each of which has its own pathway in the food chain 
and the human body. Radioactive elements are tasteless, odorless and invisible, 
and it takes many years for cancers and other radiation-related diseases to 
manifest – five to 80 years for most cancers. 
Children are 10 to 20 times more sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of 
radiation than adults, fetuses are thousands of times more so. One x-ray to the 
pregnant abdomen doubles the likelihood of leukemia in the baby. Females are 
also more sensitive than men at all ages. Radiation is cumulative, there is no 
safe dose and each dose received by a person adds to the risk of developing 

Of great concern is the fact that 18 cases of childhood thyroid
  cancer in children under the age of 18 have already been
  diagnosed and 25 more are suspected in Fukushima. This is a
  remarkably short incubation time for cancer, indicating that
  these children almost certainly received a very high dose of
  iodine 131 plus other carcinogenic radioactive elements that were
  and are still being inhaled and ingested. 

A worker checks radiation levels on the window of a bus during a media 
tour at Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in the town of Okuma, 
Fukushima prefecture on June 12, 2013. (AFP Photo)
Thyroid cancer in Chernobyl victims did not appear for four years. Thyroid 
cancer is rarely found in young children. Iodine 131 is radioactive for 100 
days, and is a potent carcinogen. Iodine 129 on the other hand lasts millions 
of years. Over 350,000 children still live and go to school in highly 
radioactive areas, and as juvenile thyroid cancers are arising, so the number 
of leukemia cases will start to increase about two years from now, with solid 
cancers of various organs diagnosed about 11 years later. These will increase 
in frequency for the next 70 -80 years. 
Food in the contaminated zone will remain radioactive for hundreds of years 
because it will continue to bio-accumulate radioactive elements from the soil, 
thus ensuring that an increased incidence of cancer will devastate many future 
Japanese generations. 
Medical doctors in Japan are reporting that they have been ordered by their 
superiors not to tell the patients that their problems are radiation related. 
Water and the Pacific Ocean 
Now back to the reactor complex. TEPCO is still pumping hundreds of tons of 
salt water over molten reactor cores daily as another 1,000 tons of underground 
water also flows through the damaged reactors. In order to try and control this 
frightening situation, TEPCO is pumping 300 to 400 tons of this highly 
contaminated water on a daily basis into 1,060 huge holding tanks adjacent to 
the reactor complex. These tanks now contain 350,000 tons of water and more 
tanks are being added each week to accommodate this endless flow of water. 
TEPCO originally attempted to filter this water using an Advanced Liquid 
Processing System to remove some of the radioactive contaminants, but one of 
its tanks corroded and it was closed down in June this year. 
The tanks have been hastily constructed to last five years, some have rubber 
seams, others have metal bolts which are corroding and very few are securely 
welded. Recently, workers discovered that the highly radioactive water is 
leaking and contaminating the tank site. Three hundred tons of water escaped 
from a tank measuring 100 millisieverts, or 10 rems, per hour and some of this 
water had also drained into the sea. A nuclear worker is allowed a yearly 
exposure of 5 rems. Because of this finding the present accident level was 
raised from 1 to 3, the original accident being labeled 7 - equivalent to 
Chernobyl, and the worst possible case. 
It is suspected that many more tanks are leaking. Until recently TEPCO had only 
two men patrolling 1,060 tanks twice a day armed with inadequate Geiger 
counters. When new instruments were provided, radiation of 1,800 millisieverts 
per hour, or 180 rems, was discovered in leaked water at another tank, while 
several days later a reading measuring 2,200 millsieverts, or 220 rems, per 
hour was discovered! This was estimated to be mostly beta radiation, which 
would not penetrate the clothing of the workers. However high levels of gamma 
are radiating continually from the tanks and gamma, like x-rays goes right 
through a human body unimpeded. 

Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi 
nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture is pictured in this 
combination photo taken December 15, 2011 (top), and September 6, 2013, 
released by Kyodo on September 7, 2013, ahead of the two-and-a-half-year 
anniversary of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Would-be 2020 
Olympic cities of Madrid, Istanbul and Tokyo parade before the Games' 
organising body on September 7, 2013 in a "least ugly" contest as they 
attempt to conceal their blemishes and win the right to host the world's 
biggest sporting extravaganza. (Reuters/Kyodo)

The LD 50, a dose at which half an exposed population dies, is 250 rems! Not 
only are these workers in serious jeopardy, but TEPCO is fast running out of 
people to manage this disaster which could continue for 100 years or more. 
TEPCO said tritium levels in water taken from a well close to a number of 
storage tanks holding irradiated water rose to 64,000 becquerels per liter on 
Tuesday September 10, from 4,200 becquerels/liter at the same location on 
They are also running out of room to accommodate more tanks, the water keeps 
coming, and if there is another earthquake measuring 6 or above on the Richter 
scale, the plastic piping connecting the tanks and the tanks themselves could 
shatter releasing their contents into the ocean. If an earthquake does not 
eventuate, what will the Japanese do with this water? Obviously it is going to 
have to be discharged into the Pacific Ocean. However Prime Minister Abe 
recently announced that the government will spend $320 million dollars to 
construct a wall of ice 0.9 miles (1.45km) in length and 100 feet deep behind 
and around the complex to prevent the mountain aquifer from rushing in to 
engulf the damaged cores. 
Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer estimates that trying to clean the site and 
control the situation would cost at the minimum half a trillion dollars, and he 
says that the ice wall may not even be deep enough to block the water. 
Furthermore maintaining the ice wall would require huge amounts of electricity, 
presumably to be generated by coal as the reactors will all be closed, which 
will add to global warming and obviously the ice will melt should there be a 
power outage. Not a good solution as the ice must remain intact for over 100 
years. The government also plans to spend $150 million attempting to remove the 
radioactive elements from the water so they can be discharged into the sea, a 
Sisyphean task, virtually impossible to conduct successfully. 
But there are other problems which defy solution. The whole reactor site sits 
on sodden ground, which has now become unstable, muddy and possibly liquefied. 
The site itself experiences many minor earthquakes each day, but should a quake 
greater than 6 or 7 on the Richter scale occur, it is likely that one or 
several of the buildings could collapse with absolutely disastrous consequences.

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