Endless Fukushima catastrophe: 2020 Olympics under contamination threat
Dr Helen Caldicott is one of the most articulate and passionate 
advocates  of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental 
Published time: September 15, 2013 11:06  
AFP Photo / TEPCO  

As the escape of radiation at 
Fukushima seems virtually unstoppable, there are still steps that 
governments all over the world should take to prevent worst case 
consequences. One of them would be canceling the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
Scientific estimates predict that the radioactive plume travelling east across 
the Pacific will likely hit the shores of Oregon, Washington State and Canada 
early next year. California will probably be impacted later that year. Because 
the ongoing flow of water from the reactor site will be virtually impossible to 
stop, a radioactive plume will continue to migrate across the Pacific affecting 
Hawaii, North America, South America and eventually Australia for many decades. 
We are only talking about ocean currents, however, fish swim thousands of miles 
and don’t necessarily follow the currents. As noted in Part I, big fish 
concentrate radiation most efficiently, and tuna have already been caught off 
the coast of California containing cesium from Fukushima. Seaweed also 
efficiently concentrates radioactive elements. 
As I contemplate the future at Fukushima, it seems that the escape of radiation 
is virtually unstoppable. The levels of radiation in buildings 1, 2 and 3 are 
now so high that no human can enter or get close to the molten cores. It will 
therefore be impossible to remove these cores for hundreds of years if ever. 
Buildings 1, 2 & 3 
If one of these buildings collapses, the targeted flow of cooling water to the 
pools and cores would cease, the cores would become red hot and possibly ignite 
releasing massive amounts of radiation into the air and water and the fuel in 
the cooling pools could ignite. It is strange that neither the US government in 
particular nor the global community seem to be concerned about these imminent 
possibilities and exhibit no urge to avert catastrophe. 
Similarly the global media is strangely disconnected with the ongoing crisis. 
Most importantly, the Japanese government until very recently has obstinately 
refused to invite and collaborate with foreign experts from nuclear engineering 
companies and/or governments. 
Building 4 
This structure was severely damaged during the initial quake, its walls are 
bulging, and it sank 31 inches (79cm) into the ground. On the roof sits a 
cooling pool containing about 250 tons of hot fuel rods, most of which had just 
been removed from the reactor core days before the earthquake struck. This 
particular core did not melt because TEPCO was able maintain a continuous flow 
of cooling water, so the rods and their holding racks are still intact, but 
geometrically deformed due to the force of the hydrogen explosion.  

The cooling pool contains 8,800 pounds of plutonium plus over 100 other highly 
radioactive isotopes. Instead of this core melting into a larval mass like the 
other three cores, it sits exposed to the air atop the shaky building. A large 
earthquake could disrupt the integrity of the building, causing it to collapse 
and taking the hot fuel rods with it. The cooling water would evaporate and the 
intrinsic heat of the radioactive rods would ignite a fire as the zirconium 
cladding reacted with air, releasing the radioactive equivalent of 14,000 
Hiroshima-sized bombs and 10 times more cesium than Chernobyl. 
AFP Photo / TEPCO 
Not only would the Northern Hemisphere become badly contaminated, but the 
Japanese government is seriously contemplating evacuating 35 million people 
from Tokyo should this happen. TEPCO has constructed a steel frame to 
strengthen the shaky building in order to place a massive crane on the roof so 
they can extract the hot rods by remote control. This operation is always 
performed by computer and a remote manually-controlled extraction has never 
been attempted before. If the rods are deformed, a rod could fracture releasing 
so much radiation that the workers would have to evacuate or, should they touch 
each other, a chain reaction could release huge amounts of radiation. 
I defer to Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer in whom I have great faith. He 
says that a 2-meter thick zeolite wall should be constructed some distance from 
the reactors on the mountainside, which would effectively absorb the cesium 
from the water surrounding the reactor cores so it could not get out and 
further pollute the pure water descending from the mountain. At the same time, 
channels must be constructed to pump and divert the unpolluted mountain water 
into the sea. Then the three molten cores and their associated buildings could 
be immersed in concrete as the Soviets did at Chernobyl, and the situation 
could possibly be neutralized for about 100 years. What our poor descendants 
will then decide to do with this radioactive rubbish dump is beyond my 
However, as one Japanese official said, “If we just buried them no one would 
look at another nuclear plant for years.” An interesting reaction, so it is 
perfectly obvious that despite the calamity, they still want to pursue the 
nuclear option. 
North America and Canada the EPA should immediately start monitoring the fish 
routinely caught off the west coast and it must also, as a matter of urgency, 
establish many effective airborne monitors up and down the west coast and 
across the US continent, so that if there is another large release of radiation 
it will be effectively measured and the information rapidly passed on to the 
public. The same holds true for Canada. 
The US and Canadian governments must forthwith ban imported food from Japan, 
unless each batch is monitored for contamination, and the food grown in the US 
and Canada needs to be effectively monitored pending another major accident. 
The US has allowed food measuring up to 1,200 Becquerels per kilo to be sold in 
the US from Japan, while the Japanese allowable concentration for food is only 
100 Becquerels per kilo. What does the US government think it is doing 
purposely exposing people to radioactive food? This situation must be urgently 
An aerial view shows the Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (TEPCO) 
tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and its 
contaminated water storage tanks (top) in Fukushima, in this photo taken by 
Kyodo August 31, 2013.(Reuters / Kyodo)
Nuclear Olympics 
Given these impending problems, how can Japanese Prime Minister Abe possibly 
say that Tokyo will be safe for the Olympics? He actually said that “there is 
absolutely no problem” and “the situation is under control.” Does he not 
understand that parts of Tokyo are already radioactively contaminated and that 
his government is dumping ashes from the incineration of thousands of tons of 
radioactive debris from the tsunami and earthquake into Tokyo Bay? Is this what 
the athletes will be swimming in? 
What if there is another major release of radiation before the Olympics? Young 
fit people who have spent years in rigorous training must, under no 
circumstances be exposed to radioactive air, food or water. And how can Abe 
possibly consider spending all that money housing people in expensive 
accommodation and constructing stadiums etc. when his own people - 160,000 
Fukushima refugees - live in shacks and millions still live in highly 
radioactive zones and when the Fukushima complex is out of control? 


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