100,000 on the streets of Poland: “Part-time jobs, full-time
Written by Ben GlinieckiWednesday, 18 September 2013


On Saturday 14 September over 100,000 people marched through Warsaw in a
joint action called by Solidarity, the All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions
(OPZZ) and the Forum of Trade Unions. This was the culmination of four days
of trade union demonstrations against the Donald Tusk government.

main demands of the protests were on the issues of unemployment, the
minimum wage, the retirement age and access to social benefits for those in
need. The unions are demanding, along with changes to proposed legislation,
the dismissal of Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz from his post as Minister of
Labour. The size of this demonstration is far greater than has been seen in
Poland for many years and is a reflection of the economic stagnation and
falling standards of living that Polish workers have experienced over the
past years.
The spark

The spark for the demonstrations last week were the proposed reforms to the
labour code that allow for so-called “junk” contracts, which refer to
temporary contracts designed for casual labour under which employment
rights are severely limited. One demonstrator, Zdzislaw Urabanek, a 60 year
old chemical factory worker and member of the Solidarity trade union said
on Saturday, *“I want an end to temporary contracts. Young people are only
getting contracts for one, two, three months” *and one of the placards
being carried on the demonstration read *“Part-time job, full-time
exploitation!”  *In response to these proposals the leaders of the three
major unions voted to walk out of talks with the Minister of Labour and
call for joint demonstrations against the government.
Economic troubles

This proposed reform has not come out of nowhere. Poland’s economy is
stagnating. Although it was the only European country to officially avoid
recession in 2009, its growth rate at present is an unimpressive 0.1%.
According to staffing firm Randstad, 67% of Polish companies expect the
economy to either stagnate or contract over the next six months and only
25% expect growth.

Meanwhile the Polish government’s tax revenues have fallen well below
expectations, forcing the government to push through an amendment to the
2013 budget last Friday that allows for an increase of the budget deficit
by PLN 16 billion (USD 5.07 billion) beyond what was originally expected.
Wider demands

As a result of these economic woes and in order to safeguard the profits of
the Polish bourgeoisie, the ruling liberal party – Civic Platform (PO) – is
being introducing cuts in public services and worsening working and living
conditions for Polish workers. This attempt to introduce more “junk”
contracts is just one reflection of this tendency. It is therefore not
surprising that the demands of the protestors grew to be wider than simply
an end to “junk” contracts. Marek Lewandowski, a spokesman for Solidarity,
said *“We want better pensions at the age of 65 as before, and not at the
age of 67. We want better social policy and guarantees for employees.” *Another
major demand of the unions is the introduction of a law that will create a
faster rate of increase for the minimum wage.

But the unions have not stopped at economic demands. Tomasz Danielewicz, a
nurse who travelled to Warsaw to take part in the demonstration, said *“We
have come to Warsaw to show a red card to the government”. *Piotr Duda, the
leader of Solidarity, said *“We should start collecting signatures calling
for the dissolution of parliament because the government are beyond coming
up with anything new”, *while Jan Guz, the leader of OPZZ told the
demonstration *“The government gets its last warning today. If it draws no
conclusions, we will block the whole country, all roads and highways”. *As
a minimum requirement for the unions to come back to the negotiating table
the leaders have demanded the dismissal of the Minister of Labour. As with
all workers across Europe in the recent period, Polish workers are
increasingly insistent on political change to solve their worsening
economic position.
A political change to what?

The question Polish workers will be asking is: a political change to what?
With 59% of Poles in favour of these protests, and only 31% against, it is
clear that the majority can see that the PO offers no alternative to the
economic problems and decline in living standards faced by ordinary
workers. However, the main opposition party is the right-wing conservative
Law and Justice Party (PiS), whose economic policy is one of privatisation,
nationalism and protectionism. But these policies would not change anything
for Polish workers.

Meanwhile, what is supposed to be the biggest *Left* party – the Democratic
Left Alliance (SLD) – is currently led by Leszek Miller whose time as Prime
Minister of Poland from 2001-2005 saw increased privatisations and a
strengthening of capitalism in Poland, despite the party’s roots in the
communist Polish United Workers Party.

It is not simply the “bad” policies of the PO that are responsible for the
grievances of the Polish workers – it is the direct result of the crisis of
capitalism. Like the PO, the PiS is a bourgeois party, and a political
change to a PiS government would simply lead to continued attacks on the
working class – nothing would change. This realisation that neither party
offers anything different is beginning to dawn on a layer of Poles. In 2011
PiS and PO between them captured almost 70% of the vote. The latest polls
suggest this is now at 60% and will fall further before the next elections
in 2015.
A dangerous game

But the Polish working class has shown that it will not wait for a clear
political alternative to present itself before making its presence felt.
Unemployment is over 13%, and inequality between rich and poor, town and
country is steadily increasing. Healthcare and pensions were already rated
poorly by Poles before the crisis (one in three said there was a lack of
investment) and are now subject to sweeping attacks across the board, the
retirement age is being pushed up higher and higher and VAT has once again
been increased to 23%.

These factors have been simmering below the surface in Poland for some time
now and are the motor force behind these demonstrations. The proposed
labour code reforms have brought this growing anger into plain view. Such
protests have not been seen for many years in Poland and they suggest that
the pressure of worsening social conditions is penetrating the collective
consciousness of the Polish working class and is beginning to stir them
into action to defend their standards of living.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the unions and the political parties have been
playing a dangerous game with their manoeuvres at the top. Solidarity and
OPZZ are traditionally enemies, with anti-communist and communist
traditions respectively. Solidarity is close to PiS, while OPZZ is closer
to the SLD. But the fact that they have been forced to call the present
protests together show the amount of pressure that is building up from

No doubt these union leaders see the anger of the movement as a means to *‘let
out steam’* from the brewing anger of the Polish workers while they at the
same time use the workers movement as a tool with which to advance their
own interests and preferred political parties. But this is likely to be a
serious miscalculation. The movement of the working class cannot be turned
off and on like a tap by the union leaders when it suits them. As the
workers become more conscious of their power to change society they will
become more insistent on change that runs deeper than a superficial switch
from one capitalist party to another. Unless the leaders of the unions
break with capitalism and fight for a genuine socialist solution to the
problems that have been building up and will continue to accumulate, they
too will face the anger of the Polish workers.

For a long period Polish politics has been dominated by sly manoeuvres and
backroom deals at the top. These latest demonstrations are the first signs
that the working class is rising its head again and shaking off the aparent
apathy and passivity which characterized it in the past period and instead
are starting to take their destinies into their own hands. And once the
workers start moving no corrupt politician will be able to hide. The centre
of political gravity will begin to shift from politicians’ offices onto
working class streets.

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