Mai Skaf is a well know actress, a Christian, secularist and pro
revolution. She had raised lots of donations for Palestinian and Lebanese
refugees before the revolution and was a arrested several times for her
political views. She left Syria in June.

A Farewell to Damascus

October 13, 2013 § Leave a

Actress Mai Skaf describes the nature of Syrian society and the assumptions
of the Assad regime.


Syria Video Analysis: As the US Steps Back, France and Saudi Arabia Step Up
in Support of Insurgency

*A four-minute analysis outlining how Washington’s retreat from support for
Syria’s insurgency is far from the end of the story — France, Saudi Arabia,
and Turkey are all stepping up their backing of the opposition, with the
Saudis ramping up arms supplies to the insurgents:*




SUMMARY: The past week has been the story of the race between two
offensives in southern Syria. The regime is attempting to take over suburbs
south and southwest of Damascus, thus opening the highway to Daraa Province
and the border with Jordan to resupply its troops, before insurgents can
seize more territory in the province, including in Daraa city.

On Saturday, as Syrian warplanes attacked insurgent positions in Daraa city
—* including the Palestinian refugee camp, the adjacent Al Mahata
neighborhood, *and Daraa Al Balad — there was a new, possibility
significant development.

The Shaam News Network reported that insurgents in Al Mahata are using
anti-aircraft weapons to target regime forces.

If the report is true, it could reflect a major escalation of arms supplies
to opposition fighters — probably backed by Saudi Arabia and assisted by
the insurgents’ recent takeover of the Daraa-Ramtha crossing on the
Jordanian border.

Footage of the anti-aircraft weapons has yet to emerge; however, video
testifies to a fresh supply of rocket launchers to the insurgents.
Latest Updates, Most Recent FirstFatwa Allows Those Trapped In Damascus
Yarmouk Camp To Eat Cats, Dogs, Donkeys

There are reports, including this by Orient News and here by
of a fatwa allowing people trapped by regime sieges in the Yarmouk
Palestinian refugee camp in southern Damascus to eat the flesh of cats,
dogs and mules during siege conditions..

The announcement comes as the humanitarian situation in the camp becomes
increasingly desperate, with famine setting in.

*Demonstration in Yarmouk after the fatwa:*




[image: Syria Spotlight: Civilians Evacuated From Moadamiyyat Ash Sham,

Published on October 13th, 2013 | *by Joanna Paraszczuk*
Syria Spotlight: Civilians Evacuated From Moadamiyyat Ash Sham, Daraya

*Video: Civilians evacuated from Moadamiyyat Ash Sham, Daraya on Sunday**

On Sunday, the Syrian Red Crescent announced that it had succeeded in
evacuating hundreds of civilians — most of them women and children — from
the West Ghouta towns of Moadamiyyat Ash Sham and Daraya.
Syrian Red Crescent @SYRedCrescent <>

@SYRedCrescent<>manage to evacuate
around 1500 civilians mostly women & children from
#Moadamia <>
#Syria<>to shelters in
#Damascus <>

The humanitarian situation in Moadamiyyat Ash Sham, one of the towns hit by
the August 21 chemical weapons attacks, has grown increasingly desperate.
The town has been under a regime-imposed siege since November 2012 and has
been subject to daily regime air strikes, tank shelling and artillery
bombardment. Regime ground forces aided by Hezbollah fighters are pushing
insurgents on the town’s northern front line in an attempt to invade the

Civilians inside Moadamiyyat Ash Sham told EA last
they feared a mass killing by regime forces, should pro-Assad fighters
succeed in entering the town.

With food and medical supplies completely cut off, civilians say that food
stores ran out last month and there have been an increasing number of
severe malnutrition cases and even deaths. Activists say 11 people have
starved to death in the city so far, and that many civilians are reduced to
gathering and eating leaves off trees and dried figs to survive. The regime
has also cut off the town’s water supplies.

Doctors in Moadamiyyat Ash Sham have documented a number of starvation
cases, including two people last month — 5-year-old Imad Sawan and
30-year-old Mona Ragab. Activists said that both victims had been injured
in regime shelling and died due to their injuries as well as malnutrition.

Video report by the Shaam News Network documenting child deaths by
starvation and malnutrition in the city:

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