I've marked it as a joke because it's hilarious, but it's a real story...

Washington Post (which we now get on Sundays only, but still delivered to the door), in its Style section, has something called "Life Is Short/Autobiography as Haiku". The rules are simple: "Find a way to give insight to your life in under 100 words". The winning entries are printed accompanied by the photo of the author (who, BTW, gets paid a $100 -- a buck a word... not bad <g>)

I only read the front section (international and national news) and -- occasionally -- bits from the business section (if something catches my eye) ut Dh reads the entire paper and often shares, or tries to; the two bits he offered from the Travel section today were refused <g> But, the following, he just handed to me and said: "read it" (instead of the usual "you might be interested in reading..."), so I did. The photo is of a man, fully silver-haired; there's no indication of what his hair colour might have been before. The text is as follows:

I'm getting on, but still find ways to be useful. This morning I noticed that our salt was in the shaker with the little holes and our pepper in the one with the big holes. I got two pieces of clean paper and emptied the the salt onto one, the pepper onto the other. Then I used the papers to funnel the condiments into the appropriate containers. I didn't mess up the tablecloth. My wife had been watching. "Why didn't you just exchange the caps?" she asked.

When I burst out laughing, DH said smugly: "I *knew* you'd like this one; the difference between males and females in a nutshell"

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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