i find your response totally fascinating, toni. On the one hand, its always a little sketchy when they apply research to a single sex without looking at the other side of the coin, so to speak. But, unfortunately, its always *really* sketchy when reading a popularized news-source version of any scientific research. Its only lately that every single "eat this, eat that, don't stand near this piece of wiring" live-longer research has been nightly news material. I think most research scientists will tell you that everything has a caveat, and they *never* get reported.... But in terms of this, its pretty basic. No matter *what* you eat, its going to get passed thru breast milk if you're nursing. Animal fat is a notorious storage place for pollution, often working its way up the food chain (little fishes get polluted, middle fishes eat little fishes, big fishes eat middle fishes, etc etc all the way up to us, concentrating the pollution as it goes). Men get it too, nursing women just pass it on. And its often easier to notice the ill effects in babies/children/old people because on one end they're still new and changing, and on the other end its all gone a bit pear shaped (loving the mad generalizations, aren't you? :>) anyway, the whole point of this early morning (why am I not at work yet?) rant is this... First, science in news is.. well, always sugared up for your consumption. Enjoy at your own risk, its often tosh. And second, eat as much meat as you want, but don't complain when it ends up being non-ideal. Atkins is a crackpot, and theres a lot more food out there than the kind that you have to kill. Just because a society doesn't have enough *meat* to go around, doesn't mean there isn't food. Raising meat is a HUGE resource drain on societies, because we feed endless pounds of grain to animals to get a single pound of meat.
And to tamara's point of winter food and summer foood.. We might be able to get things year round now, but they've been shown to be lower in nutrition and flavor, and have led to eliminating diversity across the spectrum of plants (and animals, for that matter)...
Whoo, didn't push a button there or anything.. *laugh* Guess I'll have to go hunting for more humour to make things chipper again..
Have a good wednesday.
(oh no, you can't tell her household is vegetarian at all, can you.... :>)

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