Dear Secret Pal:

 I got the package today and was very impressed at how early
 you were!  I mean, it's only the 11th and here is August's
 package (ok, so now you have a clue about how totally confused
 I am).  How did you know we would be on vacation the first week
 of August!  I was so impressed with your ultra-organization.

 And, even though I thought it was for August, I ripped into it.
 Ate the candy immediately, will bathe with the aloe/cucumber soap
 (the whole package smelled of it, so lovely), will bathe Sunday in
 the green tea bath salt, will have to put my glasses on to put the 
 tiny Mouse Trap game together (and not drink coffee for a day
 so I have steady hands), quickly put the lace roll away to use 
 someday when I actually have enough lace to roll up, have found 
 some GREAT instructions for preparing poppy plants by freezing the 
 seeds and then starting them (which is good because my very kind 
 and hardworking gardener keeps clearing away my poppy starts) 
 and to top it all off, the goddess pendant was a bonus.  
 If you can easily get another, that would be lovely because my 
 son appropriated it.  That is when I realized this package was 
 a not-so tardy July package.  

 Your special spot for tatting is beautiful and looks much cooler 
 than we have been today.

 What a treat-- unanticipated presents.  Poor memory and organiz-
 ation has its benefits.

 Sue Ellen
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