The last verse of David's rhyme:

The last Public Servant agreed to relocate,
Replaced by 10 consultants at twice the hourly rate.

is similar, yet quite different, to what happened to my younger brother.

He worked for BP oil as an executive engineer, on a very nice salary, thank
you very much, along with a whole bunch of others. Then there were
redundancies over several years, and then my brother's turn came. He got his
lump sum and pension at the age of 48, set himself up as a consultant and
registered with an agency. He was immediately employed by BP at three times
what they were paying him while he was one of their employees. That was 10
years ago and he's still being employed by BP as a consultant.

He's one of those people for whom everything turns out more than better than
it was before.

Jean in Poole
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