As the list is quite I thought I would send this article that my DD sent to me. Interesting, we have not had any calls since the Don't Call list went into action.

Dave Barry
Can the planet be saved?

I've been writing columns for a long time now, two or
three centuries at least. I've written on topics that
touched a nerve among you readers - the
moronic-TV-commercials nerve, the
loud-cell-phone-talkers nerve, and of course the
low-flow-toilet nerve. I even touched - and I regret
this deeply - the Barry Manilow nerve.

But I've NEVER touched a nerve like the one I touched
when I wrote about telemarketers.

To review: In August, I wrote a column about the
National Do Not Call Registry, which allows you to go
to an Internet site ( and register your
phone number. The plan is that most telemarketers
would then be prohibited from calling you.

The Do Not Call Registry is wildly popular with the
human public. More than 50 million households have
signed up. This displeases the telemarketing industry,
which believes it has a constitutional right to call
people who do not want to be called. Several
telemarketing groups have filed lawsuits to block the

So in my August column, I printed the toll-free
telephone number of one of these groups, the American
Teleservices Association. My thinking was: Hey, if the
ATA feels its members have a constitutional right to
call you, then surely the ATA feels that you have an
equally constitutional right to call the ATA.


It turned out that a LOT of you were eager to call up
the telemarketing industry. Thousands and thousands of
you called the ATA. I found out about this when I saw
an article in a direct-marking newspaper, the DM News,
which quoted the executive director of the ATA, Tim
Searcy. Here's an excerpt from the article:

"The ATA received no warning about the article from
Barry or anyone connected with him,” Searcy said. “The
Barry column has had harmful consequences for the
ATA,” Searcy said. “An ATA staffer has spent about
five hours a day for the past six days monitoring the
voice mail and clearing out messages."

That's correct: The ATA received NO WARNING that it
was going to get unwanted calls! Not only that, but
these unwanted calls were an INCONVENIENCE for the
ATA, and WASTED THE ATA'S TIME! I just hope nobody
interrupted the ATA's dinner.

Anyway, you can imagine how I felt. I would have
called the ATA myself to express my feelings, but the
ATA finally had to disconnect its phone number.

I myself received approximately 7 billion phone calls,
letters and e-mails on this topic. About 99 percent
came from consumers who are wildly enthusiastic about
the idea of calling telemarketers. Many of these
consumers wanted me to publish more telemarketers'
numbers, including residential numbers. As one
e-mailer put it: "I think we should call them at home
and try to sell them the idea of not calling people at

The other 1 percent of the response came from people
in the telemarketing industry, who pointed out that I
am evil vermin scum, and - even worse - a member of
the news media. Their main arguments were that (a)
telemarketers are hardworking people, and (b) if
they're not allowed to call people who don't want to
be called, telemarketing jobs could be lost, and the
U.S. economy would suffer.

Searcy of the ATA was quoted in the Los Angeles Times
as saying that the impact of the Do Not Call Registry
would be (I did not make this quote up) "like an
asteroid hitting the Earth." Yes, an asteroid!

As I write these words, lawyers and politicians and
lobbyists and judges are swarming all over the
telemarketing issue, so I don't know what the legal
status of the Do Not Call Registry will be when you
read this column. But it appears that the
telemarketers plan to continue their efforts to save
the planet by fighting for the right to call people
who do not want to be called.

I realize that this makes many of you angry. I realize
that many of you would like to, once again, let the
telemarketers know how you feel. And I am, frankly,
tempted to reveal to you here that the American
Teleservices Association ( seems to
have a phone line working (at least for now) at

But would it be right to reveal this? I mean, yes, you
could call the ATA again. But the ATA surely doesn't
WANT you to call again. It's inconvenient! And to
insist on calling somebody who doesn't want to be
called, even if you have the legal right to call,
well, that's just plain rude.

So I am taking the high road.

* Dave Barry is a humor columnist for the Miami
Herald. Write to him c/o The Miami Herald, 1 Herald
Plaza, Miami, FL 33132

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