On Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003, at 20:25 US/Eastern, Clay Blackwell wrote:

And one of these days...  it will be "politically incorrect"
to slur the left-handed any more than it is to say "gone
south" or tell an ethnic joke or tell the dumb blonde jokes.
The minorities have always been subject to derision, whether
it's politically correct or not.  Face it.  There are
differences!  Vive la!!!!

Fortunately, we're still permitted to *celebrate* the differences, even if we're no longer permitted to make fun of them. The day will come, when even *noticing* the difference will be a no-no, at least in public... The excess of PC is one (though not only) reason my subterrenean joke list (called "smut" for ease, but not always dirty) exists and thrives, with 40 "members" of it belonging to chat (the non-chat "membership" is 17).

OTOH (this is a Libra speaking <g>)... Having to knuckle down and to curb one's dislike of "the diffent", even if only in public, is not such a bad thing... I've seen what happened (in places like Bulgaria or Yugolsavia, for example, once the communist system disintegrated), when the centuries-old enmities were permitted to *surface* (and boil over), under the guise of free speech and democracy, and it wasn't pretty...

I guess I'll continue to keep my own counsel on what's right and what isn't. And, if I err... Well, I *did* say I have problems with left-right, no?

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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