Lemon Meringue Recipe

The Name should be:
"David's TRULY EVIL Lemon Meringue Pie!!"

David, you found my one TRUE weakness Lemon Sweets!
Thank you for sharing!

Chores list for 11-22-03
  1.. Go to store
  2.. Buy all the stuff David says is needed for THE TRULY EVIL PIE"
  3.. Make THE PIE
  4.. HIDE the PIE
  5.. ....Mine, MINE,  ALL MINE!
  6.. Think about maybe sharing a very tiny piece...maybe...then again maybe
  7.. Thank David again for the Recipe!
Have a great weekend everyone
  Dear Friends,
  I made this tonight and it's absolutely scrumptious. Thought you might like
  it for your files.
  David in Ballarat
  Lemon Meringue Pie #1
   From Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union of Victoria Cookbook 1948
  (with alterations by David Collyer to make it larger)

  - -       A big ½ lb puff pastry or short crust
           -       2 lemons
           -       2 tablespoons butter
           -       about 12 tablespoons water
           -       6 tablespoons sugar
           -       2 tablespoons cornflour
           -       3 eggs
           -       3 tablespoons castor sugar

  - - (David's tip) Leave out the pastry and make more filling
  - -       in a saucepan on low heat, melt butter
           -       add the water
           -       add the juice of the 2 lemons
           -       instead of grating the rind, take a large chopping knife
  and very finely chop ALL the rest of one               lemon (remove
  central bit and seeds only). Add this to saucepan.
           -       Separate yolks from whites of the 3 eggs, setting whites
  aside for now.
           -       When contents of saucepan are getting pretty hot, add:
  o               Sugar
                   o       Well-beaten YOLKS of eggs
                   o       The cornflour which has been mixed with a little
  water in a mug
  - -               Stir constantly while you bring this mess to the boil and
  it thickens. Give it a further minute or so   on a low simmer, stirring all
  the while, then remove from heat and set aside.

  - -               Line a greased pie dish with the pastry
           -       Pour in lemon mixture
           -       Bake in a moderate oven till pastry is cooked

  - - (David's tip) Use plain raw sugar and whip a little longer. That way
  get a few crunchies in the meringue
  - -               Ensure that your mixing bowl and beaters are absolutely
  spotless and bone dry
           -       Whip the 3 egg whites to a frenzy! That is, till stiff and
  glossy and you can make mountains on                 top.
           -       Add one tablespoon of castor sugar at a time whipping in
  between to dissolve each one.
           -       After third tablespoon of sugar, whip a bit more and
  mixture should stiffen further.
           -       Remove pie from oven and spread meringue on top, making
  sure there are plenty of mountain               peaks.
           -       Return to a much cooler oven and bake until meringue is a
  golden brown.

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