On Sunday, Dec 14, 2003, at 21:11 US/Eastern, Bev Walker wrote:

For me a T has to have a certain amount of looseness but not
look baggy [...] and it has to be long enough to wear untucked, like a tunic.

I tuck mine in, but I too like them long (vivid childhood memories of bare midrif in the middle of the winter, despite umpteen layers of clothing -- hated it <g>). I think, if we decided to go for it, we might consider *men's* T-s; they tend to have longer trunks. But that's something to discuss with Betty, who knows more about the "production" side of things than I ever will.

Otherwise I'm not interested in a T. So, to anyone counting opinions, I am
a 'no, not interested' in the proposed T-shirt...but if the enterpreneurs
wish to broaden the product line to include *tote bags* then I would
definitely be interested. I can use a tote bag of *any size* (and do) for
lace stuff.

<g> I have *7* lace-related tote bags; 1 was a gift, 1 I bought before fabric totes became the "in" things for "goodie bags". That's where I got the remaining 5 -- attending conventions, lace days, etc... For my needs, that's 4 too many -- even though they're each a slightly different size, and even though I use *a* tote every time I go downtown to un errands (books to the library, stuff to the PO, etc). So I'd have no interest in acquiring one more, especially since I'm planning on attending more lace "events" in the future... :)

I could, probably, use one more cover cloth (the one to use to put the pillow to bed; not a work cloth)... Have several of those also, but seem to acquire more pillows faster than I make them and they need to be washed once in a while.

But, the reason I thought of T-shirts rather than something else is that cliche: "been there, done that, got a T-shirt..." Which would be even more appropriate in a lacemaking situation (charting progress, as it were) than as a souvenir of visiting a place. Also, if one were to wear such a T to a workshop/demo (the kind where you don't have to dress up in period costume), it would be *visible* (I've had a response from a teacher -- she'd like one, and thinks her students might too). A tote gets put down at one's feet and nobody pays it a blind bit of attention.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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