On Dec 23, 2003, at 23:46, Avital Pinnick wrote:

Interesting, except that they got the Hebrew greeting wrong. The translation
of their phrase would be "Happy Festival (used specifically for Jewish
festivals). Happy New Year." "Chag ha-molad sameach" would be closer to
"Merry Christmas."

<VBG> They got the Polish right. That is, it's the TC (Traditionally Correct) form of the greetings we use at this time of year... But, our TC formula is: "merry holidays and a happy new year". You know which holidays are being talked about from their proximity to the new year. *Some* cards specify "Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia" (merry holidays of the God's birth), but not many; might have ben too much of a mouthful even for Poles :)

Yours, upgraded, but still unable to see my own messages posted on the list as they come in... was hoping, but it was not to be; can't have everything, even at Christmastime, I guess :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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