Dear Friends,
I'm amazed that this computer is still working tonight!!! You see, I spent all day today pulling down the ceilings in my kitchen and office. You cannot imagine the mess!!!! Martha eat your heart out.

This is a 120 year old miner's cottage and I am not joking when I tell you that I actually removed 2 wheel-barrow loads of straw from old birds' nests (Not in my time). I probably shouldn't mention the odd fossilized rats. The dust was almost like soot. When the kitchen ceiling came down the entire room was more than 6" (12 cm) deep in it and it billowed into every single nook and cranny in the whole house, whether doors were shut or not!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've done a huge clean up already, but not in too much detail as tomorrow Lindsay and I will be replacing the ceilings and will probably create nearly as much again. I can see a huge domino effect happening here - like mending walls, painting, new windows. That'd be OK if the money was available - which it isn't :)
David in Ballarat - God I need you tonight.

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