At 05:04 AM 2/12/2004, you wrote:

Do you remove the item from the pillow first or not?


I remove the item from the pillow and re-pin it on cardboard covered with plastic wrap or wax paper.

After reading about people who starched things on the pillow so they didn't have to be re-pinned, I tried it. The starch seeped through the pinholes and got on my pillow. I was very unhappy. Maybe I use heavier starch, or something. However, to be sure that never happened again, I do the extra effort of re-pinning each item on a surface that won't matter if it gets starched.

The corrugated cardboard will hold the pins just enough to hold the shape, and the plastic wrap keeps the starched lace from sticking to the cardboard.

This cardboard method also works if a piece of lace just needs pinned out while it dries. I've had to pin some needlelace items for them to hold their shape long enough to dry.

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon -- where we have the last day of sunshine before the next storm comes in.

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