Hello Gentle Spiders,

I am writing this with a question and an apology.  First I received a 
beautiful book in the mail today, it's called "Braid Lace for Today", my question 
is...The person who sent me this book, her name is Roslyn Nials.  My apology 
is....I am so sorry that I don't recall her email name so that I could properly 
thank her.  If anyone knows her please send me her email address, I have her 
snail mail, as it came with the book.  I feel so foolish, and this is such a nice 
gift.  I know it was meant for me because it had my correct name and address. 
 You people are so wonderful, I have never in my life met people like all of 
you, I feel blessed. 

Thank you for your help,

Clarksburg, West Virginia

The temperature here today was 81 but, it is supposed to snow on Sunday....go 
figure. :)

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