Dear Secret Pal:
I am just getting back online from being unable to access my computer while I moved.  
I am slowly but surely catching up on all my lace emails.
However, I was so glad that my computer is now up and working so that I could say 
thank you for your lovely gifts. I just received them yesterday.
I have started a scrapbook of all of the postcards and goodies that you have sent me.  
This time, though, I've decided to frame the beautiful flower card.  It certainly 
brightened my day and helped me to see springtime in the winter.  I just love it.  
What is the name of the flower?
I also really love the round hanky you sent with the violets on it.  They are one of 
my favorite flowers and will grace my table very nicely.
I always look forward to receiving your gifts - it is so nice that you put so much 
thought into your packages.
Thank you again,
Rita Lloyd

In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give 
out completes the circle and comes back to us."

-Flora Edwards

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