Just came back home from the University's film club's screening of "Together". Chen Kaige, director; China, 2002.

A story of a bumpkin father from the provinces, who brings his 13yr old son -- a violin prodigy -- to Beijing, to get a better musical education. The scene is present day China, with the new economy (and old corruption) in full bloom.

We may be coming up to Mother's Day here, but the film shows that *fatherly* love can be equally as selfless and as boundless in pursuit of what's best for the child. A very moving film and very beautiful. And, naturally, the music (Western) is spectacular; I used to not like violin, but may have to re-think :)

The film has PG (parental guidance suggested) rating here but is, IMO, suitable for all ages (as long as the child can read reasonably well-- the film is in Chinese, with English subtitles); there's no violence or nudity at all, and the worst of the "language" I noticed was "bitch" (used once).
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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