On May 4, 2004, at 17:58, Steph Peters wrote:

Would you really rather they were handled together so that a problem with mail in one direction impacts the other?

No ma'm; that I would not. Had slow outgoing mail the night before though -- about the same the problem started (according to Alice) -- so I guess the separation isn't as watertight as all that. At least at out little, local, ISP...

Anyway, the woes are over, it seems :) Thanks very much to everyone who wrote to me last night -- I got all those messages today. Messages started coming in late last night, as a matter of fact, but only the current ones; the backlogged ones came later.

Particular thanks to Heather (Mouth) who both forwarded a bunch of lace and lace-chat messages (some of which reached me today both as a forward and as messages directly from the lists) *and* telephoned -- all the way from Brit. Columbia -- this morning... You ladies are *the greatest* friends anyone could wish for.

And the 50-50, up-and-down aspect of living in a small town and having a small, local, ISP... They close at 19:00 (and all day Sat and Sun) -- "parochial hours", which is a downside. But they called this morning, bright and early (curse 'em <g>) to thank me for calling and alerting them to the problem (I left a message on their voice mail. I *hate* voice mail), and to tell me that we were now back in business; they checked my box, and it was filling up nicely... :) Sorry for the inconvenience, hope it wasn't too bad, do I want a discount for the lost day? Which I didn't, not having incurred any financial losses over the problem and seeing as it wasn't their fault.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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