Tamara wrote:

<You mean, for *5 full months* you've been working for the government? I
knew that Brit taxes were ridiculous, but didn't know the extent...>

We've also been watching with some amusement, the complaints in the USA that
petrol (gas) has gone up to 2 dollars 40 a gallon. I'm currently paying 79.9
pence a litre for low sulphur unleaded (environmentally friendly and the
cheapest apart from deisel), which works out at about 4 pounds a gallon -
about 7 dollars 30 - and most of that is tax in one form or the other. Why
do you think we drive small fuel-efficient cars?

A one-man garage is selling it at 93 pence a litre (about 4.60 a gallon or 8
dollars 40) because he can't buy it at the price the large concerns can. He
obviously doesn't get much custom, only from those who are desparate.

Jean in Poole

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