Weronika Patena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ah, and they [windows] all have those insect nets,

In Michigan (very recently "wet, rainy Michigan), if you didn't have window
screens, you'd be eaten alive at night by mosquitoes.  Even with the
screens, sometimes the mosquito-whining from outside the screens drives me
crazy, and if one of the little devils has sneaked into the house, into the
bedroom, it has to die before I can sleep.

Does the US really have that many more flying, stinging insects than
elsewhere in the world?

Insects the screens keep out (in Michigan, I'm sure the list varies by area
of the US):  horseflies, blackflies, mosquitoes, wasps, hornets, various
native bees, honey bees.  Non-stinging but annoying to have blundering
around: crane flies (or "mosquito hawks", although they don't eat
mosquitoes, unfortunately), all kinds of house flies.

And nothing keeps out a "no-see-um", a tiny little biting fly that can walk
right through window screen mesh.

The loggers who came here to lumber off our white pine forests came up with
folk tales about the mosquitoes.  One I dimly remember has a logger running
from a cloud of mosquitoes.  He hides under a big iron cooking pot,  only
to have the mosquitoes sting through it.  He hammers each stinger over as
it pierces the iron, and eventually the whole swarm is caught, whereupon
they fly away, pot and all.

Every state I've ever heard of with lots of mosquitoes, jokingly says the
mosquito is the "state bird".

Lynn Carpenter in SW Michigan, USA
alwen at i2k dot com

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