Hi all

Outi, then Joy wrote:

>Most of the prize is different taxes.

>Here in the states, we have no idea how much of the price of auto fuel is
>taxes.  A gas-station attendant once told me that it's against the law to
>tell us!

Perhaps the attendant was mistaken (where is Ralph Nader!) as I would
think the consumer has the right to know.

At my 'town pump' PetroCan (if anyone can, PetroCan..(?)) and probably at
the competitors, there is a little decal on each pillon that has a pie
chart of the divvying up of gas prices. As elsewere, profit is the tiniest
of wedges. Most of the other wedges are large chunks of tax.
The gas station owners want us on their side when the prices are hiked.

bye for now
Bev in Sooke, BC (west coast of Canada) where we depend on motor vehicles
to get to stores, but we have miles of natural beauty on the way and yes
we do walk along some of it ;)

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