Dear Spiders,

Here is a first draft of the Arachne FAQ. Feedback and corrections are
welcome! Let me know if I've missed anything or if something should be
written more clearly for non-English speakers. Thanks.

I could send this out on a quarterly basis if this is of any use.

Best wishes,



ARACHNE FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Version 1.0 (17 June 2004)

1. I just came back from vacation and want to read what I missed. Where are

2. I haven't received a digest for two days. What should I do?

Go to the archives (see above). You can view the messages by date. If you
see a lot of messages that you haven't seen before, then you are probably
missing a digest. Remember that the digest does not appear every day. The
list is configured to send out a digest when 22K (about a dozen) messages
accumulate. If the list is quiet, you might not see a digest for a day or

3. I checked the archives and definitely missed a digest. Where can I get

E-mail Avital, the moderator, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (take the
"nospam" out of the e-mail address). I keep backups on CDs. Occasionally I
miss a digest, but my collection is fairly complete.

4. What are SPs (Secret Pals)?

Secret Pals are a monthly gift swap. The current coordinator is Brenda
Paternoster. E-mail her at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (take the
"nospam" out of the e-mail address) if you want to participate.

5. How do I thank my Secret Pal?

Send your thank-you note to lace-chat, not lace. If you are not subscribed
to lace-chat, then you must type "SP Thanks" (exactly as spelled, with same
capitalization) in the subject line. That should allow non-subscribers to
post their messages to lace-chat.

6. Who runs the list?

Liz is the list owner and I am the moderator. I take care of the day-to-day

7. I just got a virus from Arachne. Should I send a warning to the list?

No, you shouldn't. What you got is a virus from someone else who has Arachne
in their addressbook and makes the "sender" look like Arachne. Arachne is a
majordomo list on unix machines and is currently not affected by viruses.

8. I just got a virus warning from my brother-in-law's best friend's
ex-wife's boss, who used to work for Microsoft and plays golf with Bill
Gates. Should I send it to the list?

No, you shouldn't. Even "reputable sources" and computer experts slip up and
there are a lot of viruses hoaxes floating around. Check it first at or or ask me to check it out.

9. Are the archives private?

No, they're not. Mail-Archive is a free service and you get what you pay
for. They are able to disguise the addresses so you won't be spammed, but
it's best not to post personal details to the list like your address and
phone number.

10. I'm going on vacation. What should I do?

You should unsubscribe. The list does not have a "no-mail" option. If your
account gets full and starts bouncing, Liz will ignore it for a few days. If
your account bounces for more than a few days, then she will unsubscribe

11. I just sent a digest by accident to the list. Should I unsubscribe,
change my name, and move to a place where no one knows me?

Relax. The list will not accept a message as large as a digest. It will
probably bounce to me and I'll trim the digest.

12. What's the rule about advertising?

Generally, we discourage advertising by professional vendors because that
would greatly increase the volume of the list. It is okay for a vendor to
say "Hi, we have blue matte contact paper" if someone asks for it. It is
okay if you want to sell your extra bobbins and pillows or announce that
your guild has a book or pattern for sale, because those are one-off
announcements. What we want to avoid are messages like "This month's thread
special is xxx and I just got the following 18 new books and I accept Visa,
etc., etc."
Announcements in sigs are perfectly okay as long as the length of the sig
isn't excessive (if the sig contains 3 pages of advertising, then that
defeats the purpose of this rule).

13. How can I be a model of good Net behaviour?

Trim quotes: Remember that most of us have pretty good memories and it is
usually not necessary to quote more than a few lines of the posting to which
you are responding.

Use meaningful subject lines: If you are a digest subscriber, change the
subject line to something meaningful, instead of the number of the digest.

Stay on topic: If it's lace-related (including lace you may have seen on
vacation), it's okay to post it to lace. If it's a joke, recipe, description
of your daughter's wedding, your reaction to a political figure, a movie, or
a TV show, then it probably belongs on lace-chat.

Please do not send a posting to both lace and lace-chat. (If you're not sure
where it belongs, feel free to ask me.)

14. What is Arachne-7?

Arachne-7 is a sister list for planning the joint Arachne entry for the (??
I'm having a senior moment. Is it the John Bull Trophy?) competition.
Membership is limited to Arachne subscribers. For more information, go to

To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line:
unsubscribe lace-chat [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to

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