Reading your suggestions as to what French Wire, is I am wondering if it is the wire that is used by the Maltese to make their beaut thread flowers. I have just started teaching a Maltese lady BL, and she brought a couple of framed pieces of her other work - these special Maltese flowers. As she described it, - she threads a plain wire through this spiralled wire (? the French wire), and then the coloured threads pass between the spirals and sit on the plain wire core. This way the threads are separated, and you see what looks like a silver bead at the top (the spiral wire). When you bring the ends of the wire together to form the round petal, the spirals open a bit. Her work was SO pretty. She is finding it hard to get the wire here in Oz - so next time she comes for a lesson, I will suggest she ask for French wire, and see if that is what she needs.

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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