We have a mobile and a land phone. The mobile I got for free when I changed credit cards a few years ago. It costs 50p a minute (charged by the second) to use the mobile, but then as we only use it when DH and I really need to contact each other when one is out of the house because of his parents being in ill-health (whever's out takes the phone) and for me to call the breakdown services if the car breaks down, the cost of calls doesn't matter. But we do get strange looks because it isn't a slim fold-up one with a fancy ring-tone. But so what - it enables us to make and receive calls. And we pay in advance, ony needing to put GBP 10.00 into it, which can last for as long as we like provided we make one paid-for call every six months. I usually top it up just once a year.
We don't see the need for a phone that can take pictures, play games, download music, show football matches, etc - it's a phone for goodness sake! But try and buy one now that doesn't do all that. I can't understand how children can have a GBP300 phone and afford to have it either clamped permanently to their ears (I don't intend microwaving my brain - there's little enough left), or giving themselves a permanent disability in their thumbs through texting. They could be doing something more useful with their time and money. Off my soapbox. Jean in Poole To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line: unsubscribe lace-chat [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]