At 09:48 AM 25/10/04 -0400, Webwalker wrote:
Are the Koalas as much beloved by their human neighbors as they are by those of us who see them only on TV and occasionally in a zoo, or are they considered destructive, etc. Are they protected?

Dear Susan,
Yes they are protected, and Yes, most of us love them. I know they were a real nuisance down on my Granny's farm because there were too many of them and they were killing the beautiful Eucalyptus viminalis trees. But here they're great to have around
David in Ballarat


David Collyer wrote:

Dear Susan,
Do any of you have black squirrels, and if so, do you know if they drive out the other squirrels?

No. Sorry - only grey Koalas. Do they count? David in Ballarat :_

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