
I am hoping that you can help me.  I am looking for information on 
transferring money (inheritance - several thousand GBP) internationally.

I need to get some money from a UK building society account to a Canadian 
credit union (similar to a building society) account (where it will be 
converted to CAD).  If I get it wired I lose out by a) lots of 
intermediaries (neither end has direct access) each taking their cut and 
b) a lousy exchange rate (as it would be done by one of the 
intermediaries) so that really doesn't appeal (the exchange rate is bad 
enough already).  I am considering a bankers draft or a cheque sent to me 
instead.  I am not sure whether one is considered more secure than the 
other - any ideas?  Also I am having to consider how it should be sent. At 
the moment I am thinking of using FedEx or similar rather than trusting 
the mail, but again I am willing to be convinced otherwise (I'm not very 
familiar with other options).  Oh, and it needs to be a relatively simple 
method as the people in the UK I am dealing with are clueless (my uncle 
and his son-in-law - a Cambridge University don but totally ignorant!)  I 
have been told that I have to take 100% responsibility for the money 
getting to me okay (ie if it goes astray I am the one that loses) so I am 
really keen on finding the right answer!

I need to make a decision very soon as I have to let the UK end know so 
please send any responses by Sunday 7th November.

Thanks in advance,

Helen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in sunny Vancouver, BC on the west coast 
of mainland Canada where it is getting cold though thankfully we don't get 
the same sort of winters as the rest of the country :-)

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