On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 12:31:46 -0800 (PST), Bev wrote:
>I have already replied privately to Helen. Just to inform anyone who is
>interested, Canadian banks accept without additional fee monies in other
>major currencies. I can deposit into my bank a cheque made out to me in,
>for instance, GBP, USD, AUD, etc. from a friend's bank account in that
>respective country. The teller does the conversion for that
>day's exchange rate. There is no extra charge for this other than usual
>bank fees (which they seem to find enough small charges here and there to
>annoy us).

Embroidery and needlepoint supplies are a lot cheaper in US & Canada than in
UK.  So I found myself a Canadian supplier whom I could pay with cheques in
UK pounds.  Several purchases went through without a hitch.  Then one day
the regular bank clerk who dealt with these cheques was on holiday.  My
supplier went in to her bank, and the substitute cashier was really worried,
because there was no rate on her list for Scottish pounds - my bank account
is with the Royal Bank of Scotland.  The cashier flatly refused to accept
the cheque, and we nearly got to the point of me having to send a cheque
from an account with a different bank, until the Canadian supplier finally
managed to get someone at the bank's head office who knew that Scottish
pounds are UK pounds.  It could have been worse - I used to have an account
with another of the UK's 4 largest high street banks: The Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation!
The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, 
you're still a rat.
Lily Tomlin
Steph Peters delete invalid from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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