Helen Bell challenged me to write a poem for her
newsletter on Thanksgiving - she supplied the
"thoughts", I shuffled them together.

As everyone seems to be suffering from post-
Thanksgiving langour, I thought I'd share it with
all -

Summer days are over,
Autumn's almost gone.
It's time to put aside your lace
And put your apron on.

Thanksgiving for the harvest,
Load the table to the top
Never mind the diet vows -
Just gorge until you drop.

Turkey with its stuffings
Ham with sticky glaze
Cobs of corn and pumpkin pie
Enough to last for days!

Football for the menfolk -
It's tradition, they insist
Toy parades for tiny tots
It's simply can't be missed.

And when the party's over
And it's all been cleared away
You'll remember it's "Thanksgiving"   ("Thanks" in italics)
For the blessings of the day.
 ....Noelene in Cooma

Hope you all (with southern drawl) had a great day.
(Do American waiters really say "Enjoy" as they
place your food before you?)

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