Hi spiders
Have just been able to successfully re-subscribe again! Computers ouch!
Anyway, wonder if someone, (probably David from down under?) can answer my query.
One of my students has just returned from six weeks in Australia (rained most of the time where she was), and on return to class began to recount her adventures. She began telling us about a museum that she visited in a little place that we could never have possibly heard of- Ballarat!!! Two of us immediately said we did know of it, me because of arachne and another student because she had ancestors who moved to Ballarat some while ago, the last living relative there died just a year or two back.

Anyway my question is the lady bought some bobbins in a shop there Criterion Drapery Stores, Sovereign Hill, and very nice they are to, but she has no idea who made them, the lad in the shop didn't even know what they were so she thought asking who made them might be pushing it, they both have a little disc attached by wire through the spangling hole with what looks like a crown logo on it.

Can anyone tell me who made these bobbins please?
Many thanks Nicky in Suffolk

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