We are having an early lunch, then a short trip to the Club. I need a 40 shot score for High Noon. Dad had scores (40 & 60) from Thursday night.
We are taking party sausage rolls, not curried eggs, to the "party" over the road (at Jill's house).
It is supposed to be 25 + today, but so far is heavily overcast, and cool.

150th Anniverary of Eureka Stockade y'day. Still wreathed in controversy - Terry Hicks, the father of David Hicks accused of being a terrorist, and still in custody at Guant... Bay, was asked to lead the walk through town. Outrage, as he thinks his support.fight for his son is equal to what the miners were fighting for. About 90% of folks Don't want him there, and say the 2 things have Nothing in common! Ballarat Council won't have anything to do with it, and said that whoever did the Invite had no right to do it. There was supposed to be NO leader of the walk - just a group - as when the miners revolted. The State Govt. says No, and the Fed Govt , indicated no, though did not go quite that far! Terry Hicks and the guy who asked him are about the only ones in favour!!! It is supposed to be a celebration, and strictly Non Political. The Eureka Flag has been flying around town, and I think there was some hoo-haa about the Fed Govt Not flying it over Canberra!
I think the walk is on Sun. morn. It was supposed to unite the nation, not divide it!! Civil Rights still cause a stir!! They say that it was fought for freedom of all the minersand their families, and Hicks was caught fighting for the Taliban who were/are the most repressive of people, - women not allowed out of their houses, etc, - so what right does the father have to say his son's fight for his rights in prison are the same? And so it goes on!

Love from Mum & Dad

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