Jean from Poole quoted:
<In a chilling act more reminiscent of the now defunct Soviet Union or the
Nazi regime of Adolph Hitler, the United States Congress passed legislation
yesterday that requires the States to surrender their regulatory rights over
driver's licenses and birth certificates to The Department of Homeland
>..Beginning in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security will issue new
uniformity regulations to the States requiring that all Drivers Licenses and
Birth Certificates meet minimal Federal Standards with regard to US citizen
information, including biometric security provisions....

My, my, my, one can see it's Chirstmastime!! I can hear all the Government's 
drawers jingling happily!!!  since, of course, citizens will have to pay for all
that...and false papers will be even more expensive, I'm sure, although the
goverment won't see much of *that* money...

helene, the froggy from Melbourne, looking forward to a staff barbecue at 
tomorrow, and then four full day of leisure...well, sort of!
Happy New Year to all of you. Don't forget to buy your Xmas cards and 
for next year on December 28th, they're cheaper :-)

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