Gentle Spiders,

For once, I am cross-posting to lace and chat, even if it's a no-no; hopefully, I'll be forgiven, in the proper Chrismas spirit :)

I took an hour's break from the stove and the oven (not everyone can concentrate on the Holly and the Ivy <g> ) today, to take a lesson, once again <g>, on how to upload photos to my website. The result is a lacy Season's Greeting message to everyone here. Please go and visit my website. Those of you who were here last year, will have seen two of the baubles; those who subscribe to IOLI would have seen all four. But that was the best I could do this year...

Another lesson should give Jo Falkink her wish - my son promises he'l be able to set me up with a way of direct contact, from the web, for those who are not on Arachne.

Those of you who might have my website bookmarked, please note the new URL (in the signature), and change the bookmark. This one's going to stay, now that I'm a proud possessor of my own domain (courtesy of my son)...

Best wishes Everyone,
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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