At 07:56 AM 12/30/2004, you wrote:

I can't believe that the greatest natural disaster to have hit the earth in
"modern" times, at least, is not deemed worthy of much coverage by your media.

I'm on the West Coast of USA, and this disaster is on every TV or radio news program I hear. I don't have cable TV with an all-news channel, so I don't know what coverage cable is giving it, but the basic broadcast stations tell the latest update on every news show. The internet news sites carry the latest info.

The last I heard, the US gov't had pledged 35 million dollars in aid, as a starter, and all the aid agencies were sending teams. The Bank of America had set up collection accounts for the three main medical aid agencies for local donations. And I'm sure there's things happening that I haven't heard about.

True, I'm not getting 24 hrs a day on the local channels, but the news is there in all the media. The leading Netscape news story is that the death toll has reached 120,000 at the moment but reports are not all in.

It is almost uncomprehensible.
Alice in Oregon

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