
You aren't the only one who's had a problem with car keys!

When I bought my Citroen C3 at the beginning of July (used but only a few months old) it "came with two keys and a user manual" but there was only one key and no manual. So they (AutoPlanet) said that they would get the manual and the second key direct from Citroen. Despite several phone calls, (and I think they did order in July) neither arrived until December - only had to come from France, not slow boat from China!

When the finally arrived I had to take it down to the main dealer about 20 miles away to be programmed, and yes it does take an hour or more to do. However, when I got there it was the wrong size key for the car! Not the dealer's fault so the immediate response wasn't quite so explosive! Anyway that dealer got a proper replacement key from Citroen within a week, so much for the five months it took AutoPlanet, but I had to go back again and get it programmed. Fortunately AutoPlanet got the invoice, I don't know how much for, but I'd guess it was on a par with what Ford charge.

As for the TV remote control: Right at the beginning of January we went out to exchange a pair of Wellie boots that were a size too small, exchanged the Christmas present OK and then went into Currys next door and we came out with a TV, VCR & DVD player! So far so good, and apart from straining my back helping get the TV from the car indoors all was well until we opened the box. No remote control with the TV. and those with VCR and DVD wouldn't do the initial tuning in.

A telephone call to the store got the response that although they would reimburse the cost, all parts have to be ordered through another company and the number to call was one of those "press 1 for this, press 2 for that...." affairs which ended up just ringing and ringing with an automated voice telling you you're in a queue. So several phone calls later - Curry's couldn't get through to them either and Sony were unhelpful in refusing to supply a part only - Terry called in to the shop after work the next day and suggested they open the box of a similar model. There were supposedly none left in stock, but they had a drawer full of shop display TV remotes and so he came home with one of those. Officially it's on loan, but it's not damaged and it works so I'm not bothered whether or not they eventually come up with an official replacement. Again I don't actually know what the cost would have been.


On 15 Jan 2005, at 09:25, Jean Nathan wrote:

I'm going to write to Ford asking how they can justify 71 pounds for a
couple of keys, one of which is a remote, when the remote control that
operates both my TV and video recorder and carries out many more functions
than the car key only costs a third of that. The main dealer is also getting
a letter suggesting that the Service Department ought to know which
cars/keys need to be activated by computer and which can be done in car,

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