Tamara wrote:
>...Since I was engrossed in Colette's Claudine series borrowed from the 
>same source, I was not about to tell her; suspecting that both I and my 
>little lender-friend might get "nailed", I prevaricated. But I never 
>forgot the reaction. Or the phrase. Or the association of French = naughty... 

Seeee, I always say that foreigners always attribute to the French what the
*Parisians* do!!! You talk to someone and they say "I've been to France" and 
really mean "I've visited Paris", or they say "French people are rude", and 
only ever been to Paris....this is just one other example, isn't it? 
Now tell me, how many books about "naughty French" has anyone read that didn't 
from or was set in Paris? none, I bet  :-)

Helene, the virtuous French froggy who doesn't come from Paris :-) with 
apologies to
Dominique, who I'm sure doesn't come from Paris either, do you, Dominique?...

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