On Jan 20, 2005, at 14:37, Joy Beeson wrote:

At 05:45 PM 1/19/05 +1100, Ruth Budge wrote:

Do I presume your DH never goes away? Or when he does, do you just listen
to the radio??!!!!

I don't know about Helene, but the only button I need is the "off" button.

I did watch three hourse of television last March, while staying up late to
hand-finish a pair of slacks I needed to wear the following day.

<VBG> A girl after my own heart... My TV-watching average is about 2-3 hrs a year and dwindling :) In '04, I watched more that usual - all 3 presidential debates and a half-hour political comedy program that someone recommended (funny, but 15 minutes of it was advertisements, and I don't store enough pee in 30 minutes to occupy me for 15, so I never watched other installments). But it still evens out, because in '03 I didn't watch any. I don't believe I watched any in '02, either...

I can't concentrate on two things at once (like watch TV and knit). Never could. I can't even watch TV and *iron*, though the ironing board is in the same room. Maybe that's why the ironing pile just grows and grows... <g> Can't make lace and listen to the radio, even if it's just instrumental music; can't *drive* and listen to the radio (ditto listening to *passengers*, especially if they go on and on, like the radio)...

I know where the "ower" button is on the remote, and I think I can find the volume control. So, the only time I'm sorry I never made the effort/took the time to learn how to operate the remote is when I can't set up a film(tape or DVD) to watch by myself, and need DH's help. OTOH, that happens only 3-4 times a year... Since we have power outages more frequently than that, and since I'm the person who goes around the house re-setting clocks afterwards... Since I'm the only person who knows how to reach the new message on the answerphone and who knows how to erase the old ones... I feel it's only fair enough trade :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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