YIKES...church and state being joined here in the US??? REALLY SCARY!!!
Bush is the scariest guy I know.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Tamara P. Duvall
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 10:00 PM
To: chat Arachne
Subject: [lace-chat] Re: British Royals

On Feb 11, 2005, at 17:03, Margot Walker wrote:

> I like the separation of the political head of the country and the
> ceremonial head.  The American presidential system combines the two, 
> with the effect, IMHO, 'bowing and scraping' (ceremonial role) to 
> someone who  is really just a politician.

Hear, hear :) Monarchy may be an obsolete institution but, when it's a 
*parliamentary* monarchy (like UK's), the royals are so hobbled, as to 
be purely ornamental (though I must say that the Danish princes are 
more ornamental than the British ones; those two are *yum* looking <g>)

And, if you think it's money wasted to keep them in castles, etc, think 
of the stamps... Here, we "celebrate" every dead president willy-nilly 
at least once (Ronald Reagan has just surfaced; talk about wasted 
money), thus taking away the opportunity for other potential subjects 
(esp textiles <g>)... In UK, they plunk the - unobtrusive - Queen's 
profile in the corner, then go ahead and print wonderful stuff in the 
main body of the stamp...

I'm just grateful that, unlike in UK, our "head" isn't permitted to be 
the head of the church as well as everything else (still... he's 
managed to shift us towards the idea of *The* church, which I don't 
like at all)... :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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