Jolly good idea !

> I thought that Heathers idea to let the rest of us see a bit of where she
> lives was a good idea, so I have put this web site up for anyone
interested to
> see where I live also.
> Shirley in Corio Oz.

I found it fascinating to see the Geelong website; and I was most intrigued
by the National Wool Museum, which I'd love to be able to visit someday.

Here's a link to our local High Wycombe website:-
Not great, I admit, but it's the best we have.
There are some interesting things and a few more pictures to be found if
you're patient enough to explore through the links that follow
"Attractions", "Countryside", "Local History", and "Museums".

And here's a slightly better website about Buckinghamshire:-
with a few more pictures, and a good page if you follow the link to
"Main Towns".

Best wishes,
Linda Walton,
(in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K.,
where I can't find any web pictures of the town *I* recognise,
and it does have *some* photogenic features).

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