This is the wrong time of year to shop for warm clothes in England. Winter
might be starting next week (weather-wise), but the shops have spring
clothes. Bikinis  and other summer wear should be on sale around the end of
March (just as spring has officially started) if the time stuff goes on sale
for Christmas, etc is anything to go by.

Larger sizes are stocked by Evans (a specialist outsize shop), but I at size
24 (22 US) buy my clothes at Bon Marche, who cater for all sizes up to 24. I
think the clothes are good quality and very reasonably priced. Some of the
stuff is very fashionable, but they also have the classic and everyday
stuff, and everything's available in all sizes (although the bigger sizes
sell out first). None of the "if you're over size 18, you're a frump and
don't need anything with style so we don't stock it" attitude which is
common with most of the major chains. Haven't been in Littlewoods (also
reasonably priced) or Marks and Spencer lately, but they're both large
chains which carry good quality clothing.

Jean in Poole

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