At 09:41 AM 4/2/2005, you wrote:
What are these log books for demo time, and who is the "timekeeper"? And
does the demo have to take place in the States? I have a feeling that this
information might be hidden in the IOLI small print, but then non IOLI members
won't ever know about it.

I'm not the expert, but I'll tell what I know. One tax-exempt status is Nonprofit. I think the organization has to declare a catagory, and the catagory that groups like IOLI and my sewing group qualify for has an education element and/or a public service element to it. In order to show that we do volunteer time towards these goals, we have to keep track of how many hours we spend each year doing it.

Each member has to report these hours so the collective amount for each local group can be reported to the head officers. The total for the organization goes on some report yearly to the tax office.

The Retired Teachers organization records volunteer hours, but is always asking especially for time spent with children because their catagory requires it listed separately from general charity volunteer time.

This is a USA Federal Tax Status situation. I don't know if there is a similar situation in other countries.

Each group needs some sort of record keeping, and I referred to this as the timekeeper. My guild has a log book that is passed around each meeting. We each record our name, place and date of demo (volunteering), and number of hours -- if we have done any demos since the last meeting. A similar thing would be done at each chartered IOLI guild. Informal lace groups, not chartered with IOLI, probably don't keep any record of their demos.

This is one of the duties we do in order to have the benefits of membership in IOLI.

I hope this helps a little bit.

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