Linda wrote:

< I hope - the official wedding photographs will come out, and then I
hope to get a closer view, and one in better focus than you get in a
newspaper or on the television screen.>

and Clay wrote:

<Meanwhile, I am impressed at the lack of interest on the part of the press
for the union of Prince Charles and "the rotweiller".>

I didn't watch the wedding (not interested), but did see a bit on on the
news. I wondered what that strange feather concoction was on her head was
and did a quick google for 'Charles and Camilla wedding', and only one site
came up - the Houston Times - which had about 150 photos. I looked at three,
and none of them showed anything clearly.

There doesn't seem to have been that much interest in the event here. Only
one of the 12 in my lace class watched it. Asda (Walmart) was selling a
silver and cubic zirconium replica of the engagement ring for GBP19, and now
there are several on ebay (being shipped direct from the USA, so they might
not be the ASDA ones) for a buy-it-now price of anything from GBP25 to 89.
They've been there since Friday, and there doesn't appear to have been any

Our local radio station also said yesterday that someone is offering
copies of the marriage certificate for GBP3.50. The presenter made an
alternative offer - send him 3.50 and he *won't* send you a copy of the
certificate :-) But then he also said that the start of the Grand National
(a big horse race) was delayed because of the wedding to give Camilla time
to get to the start to take part :-D

Jean in Poole

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