Recently I was lucky enough to purchase, sight unseen, a group of antique bone 
bobbins.  There are quite a few Haskins bobbins in the group.  One in 
particular is an amazing mother & babe made by Joseph Haskins.  It is in almost 
mint condition!  The only problem with it is it has some sort of soiling on the 
rim of the neck & the babe bobbin has this same soiling covering the entire 
head, neck, & a bit of the body.  I would like to try to clean this bobbin to 
remove the soiling but I do not want to damage it!  The babe is decorated with 
dots & gold foil.  The mother is decorated with colored dots & what looks like 
gold leaf.  Is there a way I can clean this bobbin without damaging it, or 
should I attempt to clean it at all?  
I would also like to ask about cleaning antique spangles ... should I clean 
them or just leave them alone?  Some of the antique bobbins I come across have 
spangles that are pretty filthy or all that remains of them is the wire with 
one bead on the end.  Is it "appropriate" to replace the wires &/or 
clean/replace the beads?  If I want to clean the beads, can I just swish the 
entire spangle (still attached to the bobbin) in soapy water, rinse, & quicky 
dry (perhaps using a blow dryer) without causing the wire to rust?
Many thanks ...

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