i sent my letter through spell check before i mailed to avoid the
insults of the spelling error obsessions of other lacers and still
there are a few, so if anyone could explain the errors after that i
would love to know.

--- susan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i hate to see people slammed or flamed because someone jumped to
> conclusions.  it seems everything anyone says is wrong sometimes even
> if they meant well.  i have been there, and i don't want to argue
> with
> anyone.  
> i am not getting involved with any side of any story, but i think it
> would have been nice to not have 100 people writing nasty letters to
> myself or someone else because of one letter that someone
> misunderstood.  
> i didn't read Dora's letter, but if she is going through what i
> already
> had to a while ago, i hope the moderator will do her job and put a
> stop
> to it.  iI'msure i am  the last person any of you would have liked to
> have a response from!  i am also sure eevery timemy name is on this
> list someone cringes, but i don't really care. 
>  this website is a nice way to learn lace as a hobby, and it is also
> nice to talk to others who can help each other out when they are
> confused or totally lost.  it's a shame people aren't as careful as
> they wish ootherswere about what they write.  i see a lot of careless
> aaccusationsabout other countries and other people's governments, but
> i
> see no one flaming or slamming them. 
>  i wish other people on this website would acknowledge the letters as
> you know they were meant to be for each letter that someone sends
> that
> says something different.  if everyone on this website would do that,
> then these things would die down quicker. Making someone feel like
> they
> have been alienated by an entire list of people who are usually quick
> to reply to anything could be turned around if the lurkers would send
> a
> nice letter like what was just sent by clay blackwell.  
> I'll remind you again i don't really care what you think, but I'll
> bet
> we are all hoping to here more about what was in Dora's bag then what
> someone took so offensively in her letter.  we can all have one
> then,,
> and i think we are all going to need them. 
>  in America we have our emergency car bags that include a blanket,
> candles, flares, jumper cables, food, bottled water, flashlights,
> pocket knives, rope, a tarp, chains, and a battery powered radio that
> will pick up weather channels.  what could someone carry around with
> them to help them in an emergency like this? 
> i also agree with Dora because i don't drive.  i walk, ride a bike or
> find a ride with someone.  i usually carry a purse with food, a
> drink,
> a pocket knife, a miniature flashlight, a cell phone if you have one,
> but a blanket is hard to fit in a purse. it would better for everyone
> if you would just print suggestions on what to bring instead of
> sending
> nasty letters. 
>  we are all going to end up with gigantic walls built between each
> country or state to attempt to stop this crappy terrorism, and then
> 100
> years later we will all celebrate it being torn down just like the
> china wall. there is no cure for terrorism and pointless to argue
> with
> people unless you were at al quada's gate.  save the hate for them.
> --- Clay Blackwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dora wrote, 
> > 
> > > > I'm thinking, my knapsack is jsut about large
> > > > enough for bicycle tools and rain gear....   LOL!
> > 
> > To which Tamara responded,
> > > And I hope you never have bombs rain on you, so you can keep on 
> > > laughing out loud for many years to come.
> > 
> > But what Tamara did NOT include in her response was a very
> important
> > sentence in Dora's note...
> > 
> > >Honestly, I read this expecting to see people carrying a personal
> > emergency
> > kit in case of terrorism! < (which was followed by the description
> of
> > her
> > knapsack)
> > 
> > So I believe that we can safely assume that Dora was laughing at
> her
> > own
> > mistaken understanding of the personal emergency kit, and NOT at
> the
> > horrible experiences everyone even remotely connected to the latest
> > acts of
> > terrorism have endured.  It is good to laugh at your own mistakes. 
> I
> > don't
> > know Dora, but I expect she has been stung by the words which
> suggest
> > that
> > she is a simpleton who laughs at tragedy.  In times of immense
> > stress, many
> > people need to laugh to maintain their emotional equilibrium.  Dora
> > was
> > laughing at HERSELF folks.  Let's not be so hard on her!!
> > 
> > Clay Blackwell
> > 
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