Just in case anyone else is tempted to try it, this is what happened yesterday when I tried copying video to DVD.

I have one program which says it will allow straight through copying, but I don't have the means of linking the video to the computer for that one. I'd already bought a video editing program (Pinnacel Studio 9) with connection (Dazzle) a while ago, so I used that. The empty 40 Gb partition on my hard drive would allow three and a half hours of tape to be recorded, but that wouldn't then have anything left to do the assembling and recording - it still assembles it even if you record it as one scene.

I recorded one hour twenty minutes, which occupied almost 20 GB. There then wasn't enough room to assemble the whole lot, so I tried with 1 hours-worth of it. It did that OK, but then would only write a Video CD. In order to write a DVD, I'd have had to buy an unlock key for part of the programme - there was nothing about that one the box, and I wasn't told that when I asked advice when buying it, so I wasn't exactly pleased. The Video CD played OK on my DVD player. There was just a little loss of quality, but not anything I couldn't live with.

The whole process took from 9.30 am until 2.30 pm. So my verdict is - don't bother trying it this way.

Apparently a scart socket with a filter will overcome the copy protect signal on a commercial tape when copying from VCR to DVD recorder. So I'll be buying a DVD recorder, but will take my time deciding which one - I don't need to make backups of my tapes right this instant.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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