i did mention just under or near the same sentence you copied that most
of the other arachnians did not mind using their last names and cities.
 i didn't add the word "we" to make myself sound more popular in any
situation.  i live in a small town now instead of the big city and we
don't lock our car doors here most of the time either.  something i
would never dare do in detroit because that is how many people really
are stalking the parking lots and hoping for an easy hit at stealing a

probalby equally wrinkled, but you are much kinder and gentler at your
weapon than most of both in detroit and here in a rural hunting
community.  a frying pan isn't what they'll get if they come through
any door in here.  a 12 gauge would be more accurate.  probably used
more to protect them from the snakes being it would give them a better
and longer aim at the thing, but also used for wild dogs that like to
attack.  i'm not a fan of rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths
(if cottonmouths and copperheads are the same snake, sorry for the
mistake) and i don't like wild dogs either.

as far as privacy goes, we don't have any and never will again.  i wait
for the next reallity show to be some random family who didn't
volunteer for it and required by law to do it.  i wonder when people
will lose interest in garbage like that.  i also wonder why there is no
way to lobby or protest to make it illegal.  the seventies brought
about a lot of good things with their protests and i think if people
still  want a government they should start it again.  if its still

if the police are giving such warnings its because they have no
intentions to do their job, and if they have to they will do it wrong
just for making them lift their lazy fingers.  i think the police have
appointed themselves figure head employees of the state and have
decided which rights they will not protect picked out from the rest. 
what ever makes their job easier.  they are using the media to gain
most of it.  that boob tube is their best way of making the world
paranoid and most people see and read is a lie or some government
employee given a different name acting out some horrible crime he was
supposed to have commited just to sway the people and congress to
invent a new bill to "protect" or imprison other citizens.  

i learned that in my crimal justice class.  researchers can pretend to
be what they want under any name, and can even put themselves in prison
as some horrible murderer or serial killer that never really killed any
body.  i would be very careful what you believe when you read and see
with the media and how the government plans to use that to get anther
rule passed making some poor citizens lose their rights. if we all end 
up in a military state its to protect us from our own police
departments and local governments.

--- Tamara P Duvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jul 22, 2005, at 13:56, susan wrote:
> > we thought adding our last names or our cities would give away
> where we
> > live to crazies.
> Please change "we" to "some of us". Most of us know that witholding a
> surname and/or location does not provide a shield against a 
> *determined* evildoer. It's the same as locking the door on your 
> house/car...
> In our area, we began locking the house doors some 15 yrs ago (we had
> a 
> spate of very "specialised" break-ins. Turned out it was the cops,
> whom 
> we alerted to be extra careful in patrolling while we were off on 
> vacation). Most of us *still* do not lock the car doors when we go 
> shopping in the local grocery store. Or... I've seen it, honest 
> Injun... we lock the doors, but leave all the windows wide open (and 
> the spare key in the glove compartment as likely as not <g>)
> The "philosophy" behind that behaviour is: someone who's hell-bent on
> doing damage *will*, no matter how many hoops you make him jump 
> through. A "casual criminal", OTOH, is going to be discouraged
> easily, 
> and will look for easier prey.
> I will not remove my surname/town (and I'm the only one of that
> surname 
> in our Lextropolis/Lex Vegas/what have you) from my signature just in
> case a crazy is gonna stalk me on the basis of it. Anyone stupid
> enough 
> to have a taste for wrinkled meat and  a whop on the head with 
> whatever's near to hand (and, being traditional in many ways, I have
> a 
> choice of cast-iron skillets <g>) is welcome to try... :)
> Thinking that you can preserve your privacy in 2005 is folly. It was 
> folly in 1955 too, but then only the government knew all about you
> (and 
> if you think it was true only in the communist countries, you're 
> deluding yourself). Now, *everyone* knows evrerything about you at a 
> puter keystroke... Your best defense against the home-bred crazies is
> *still* the cast-iron skillet :)
> Until the pigeons come home to roost and all the terrorists we (US) 
> have bred by invading Iraq start suicide-bombing *our* metros and 
> trains and buses and restaurants, and...  The police chiefs across
> the 
> country are now saying it's not a mater of "if", but a matter of
> "when" 
> (send a special thank you note to your president) and scrambling up 
> money to go to Israel for anti-terrorist training (which I find 
> *hilarious*. But then I've alawys had a warped sense of humour)
> -- 
> Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
> Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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from susan in tennessee,u.s.a.

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